Official Site:
If you think you've found a bug, please report it by following these instructions:
- Visit the Issue tracker:
- Create an issue explaining the problem and expected result
- Be sure to include any relevant information for reproducing the issue
- Include information such as:
- Device (with version #)
- The version of code you're running
- If you are running from a git version, include the date and/or hash number
- Submit the issue.
To contribute code and bug fixes to YouTubeLib: fork this project on Github, make changes to the code in your fork, and then send a "pull request" to notify the team of updates that are ready to be reviewed for inclusion.
Detailed instructions can be found at Patching
Clone the repo on your computer
Instructions for using Eclipse:
- Click Help > Eclipse Marketplace
- Download Egit
- Window > Show View > Other
- Open Git Highlight Git Repositories
- Click OK
- Copy our Git url
- Right click in the Git Repositories view in Eclipse
- Click Paste Repository Path or URI and follow the steps
- Right click on the project and Import it into your workspace.
Copyright 2011 The National Center for Telehealth and Technology
YouTubeLib is Licensed under the NASA Open Source License: