Let's talk about config files and the Config plugin. Is there a better way than YAML files?
I really don't understand this right now. I've got a $config in the router SessionTutorial.pm and a different one in the controller Tutorial.pm They are separate entities (controller $config needs a my)
Maybe I could use this to handle the non-LDAP-ready tests that litter my projects. Use something like this for handling non-mocked tests
if ( $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} # we are running tests
&& exists $ENV{TEST_LDAP}
&& ! $ENV{TEST_LDAP} ) { # and we don't want to run tests that depend on ldap
&& $username eq $config->{test_account}
&& $password eq $config->{test_password} ) {
then use the test
and generate a random 32 character test account and password in the same way that the secrets are there. Can you pass them into $config from the test file and is that a smart idea?
With complicated testing like mocking LDAP, I should really think about test setup and teardown, but that's about testing, not authenticating sessions.
environment variable
is not always read by default
make sure you load it with use Mojolicious::Plugin::Config;
and $self->plugin('Config');
And this bit by Luc Didry is interesting
my $config_file = catfile(qw(etc), $self->app->moniker.'.conf');
my $config;
if (-e $config_file) {
$config = $self->plugin('Config', {file => $config_file});
With the server running, click through the Login link on localhost:3000/ to get to the Login page
script/session_tutorial test t/01_login.t
Sometimes you want to test an application with a different set of variables.
You can specify an alternate config file on the command line with the MOJO_CONFIG
environment variable, with other variables listed in the
sri says that he would use mode specific config files, like my_app.testing.conf and
start the app with ./my_app.pl daemon --mode testing
This tutorial finishes here.
Instructions continue in Config.