[enhancement ][refactoring ] DslValidator modified to use languageComponents instead of RuleProvider #175
[enhancement ] IConfigurationElement arrays changed for ArrayLists in GEMOC tools #177
[enhancement ] Proposal Provider and Highlighting for dsl files in GEMOC Studio #172
[enhancement ] Fix TreeViewerHelper resize too often #168
[enhancement ] Cache sorting of addon on engine status change #165
[enhancement ] New plug-in for validation in GEMOC Studio #164
[enhancement ] Adds Addon parameter feature and makes equivalency classes computing optional #157
[enhancement ] Implement addon priority mechanism #149
[enhancement ] Add new GenericDebugModelId for generic model presentation and breakpoint management #141
[enhancement ] Add information about number of completed steps in the EngineStatus class #143
[bug ][enhancement ] Reduce Sirius refresh notification #125
[enhancement ][refactoring ] Improve default Engine addon launch conf tab #136
[enhancement ] Behavioral interface DSL, event occurrence metamodel and value metamodel #119
[enhancement ] Add "openFileFromPlugin" method to TestUtil #109
[enhancement ] Clarifies Eclipse consoles used by the engines #116
Bug Fixes:
[bug ] Avoid NPE in IntrospectiveMutableFieldExtractor for MM with null names #150
[bug ] Remove Logical Step View from perspective extension declaration #145
[bug ] Fix xdsmlFilePath attribute in plugin.xml #139
[bug ] Handle Sirius forced resourceSet #140
[bug ] Fix double instantiation of language specific addons #121
[refactoring ] Kermeta3 validation rule moved into gemoc-debugging from the K3 validation plugin #170
[refactoring ] Move commons for gemoc-studio to gemoc-studio-modeldebugging git repository #148
[refactoring ] Move JavaEngine to its own git repository #147
[refactoring ] Use general extension point + nature and builder refactoring #133
Version upgrades
[bump ] Bump to Sirius 6.1.3 #138
[bump ][releng ] Tycho 1.5 and p2 dependencies optimisation #134
Release Engineering
[releng ] Deploy GEMOC artefacts to maven repository ( #154
[releng ] Move some reusable Context and Runconfiguration classes from JavaEngine to execution framework #144
[releng ] Improve test video recording #135
[releng ] Remove deprecated update site #130
[releng ] Improve marker reporting in tests #120
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