THIS REPOSITORY HAS BEEN ARCHIVED, see issue 187 for details.
We used this repository to collect code, deployments, and best practices for interacting with the In-Vehicle stack of Eclipse Kuksa.
However, the development of the Eclipse Kuksa project has shifted towards the Eclipse Kuksa Databroker. Because of that, the transport of VSS-based data or the development and distribution of vehicle applications are not in the scope of Eclipse Kuksa anymore.
As an alternative, you may check:
For deploying the components used in the Eclipse Kuksa Cloud setup you can directly check the utilized projects
- HonoInfluxDBConnector: A Spring-Boot application that connects a running Eclipse Hono instance with a running InfluxDB instance so that messages received by Hono can be stored in InfluxDB. This is especially useful if one wants to easily create a visualization of some measurements eg with Grafana.
- AppStore: A Spring-Boot application that connects a running Eclipse HawkBit instance and provides a GUI to manage vehicle (and eventually cloud) applications
- Deployment instructions and scripts to setup the overall cloud architecture
More information on deployment / usage is given in each modules' subdirectories.
Licensed under the EPL-2.0 license.