✨ POC repo demonstrating Snowpack powering a monorepo with React, TypeScript and React Fast Refresh.
- a UI component librarylaunch-kit
- a "framework" which usescomponents
- an application which uses thelaunch-kit
- shared Typescript configprettier-config
- shared Prettier config
This monorepo uses React Fast Refresh, which allows hot module reloading while preserving state. The running app
will be fast refreshed even if your code change comes from components
(which isn't a direct dependency of app
This screenshot shows HMR updates coming from the different packages while the countdown timer state is preserved.
Installs all dependencies and links the monorepo packages together (yarn workspaces).
Runs the app
package in development mode.
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload with React fast refresh if you make edits in any of the monorepo packages.
Builds all packages.