A PoshBot plugin to pass PowerCLI cmdlets.
This module does not put powercli modules into requirment module list. So you'd better confirm related powercli modules installed already. To install the module from the PowerShell Gallery:
PS C:\> Install-Module -Name PoshBot.VMware -Repository PSGallery
PS C:\> &("$(Split-Path (Get-Module Poshbot.VMware -ListAvailable).path -Parent)\Set-VIServer.ps1")
To install the plugin from within PoshBot (But you can only set VIServer in powershell):
!install-plugin -name poshbot.vmware
- Store vcenter credential encrypted.
- Invoke PowerCLI cmdlet by PoshBot command.
!getsnapshot vm1 'vm2' 'vm 3'
!newsnapshot vm1 'vm2' 'vm 3'
!removesnapshot vm1 'vm2' 'vm 3'
Please send your feedback to https://github.com/edxi/Poshbot.VMware/issues