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R project for comparing different Missing Value Imputation (MVI)* approaches across three datasets.

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Comparison of Different Missing Value Imputation (MVI) Techniques

This is a R project for CSE 5717 - Big Data Analytics where different Missing Value Imputation (MVI) approaches has been compared for three datsets.

Data cleanup for Big Data Analytics

  • A fundamental challenge for any big data analytics or data mining tasks is to ensure data quality.

  • Raw data is often incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate - combined with:

    1. Noise
    2. Outliers
    3. Inconsistencies
    4. Missing values
  • Raw data must be processed and shaped into quality data – requiring preprocessing and cleanup, a crucial step of data mining.

Missing Values

  • Introduces incompleteness in the raw data.

  • Different from empty data -

    • Empty: no value that can be assigned
    • Missing: available values exists but missing in the data
  • Many statistical techniques are not robust in analyzing with missing data.

  • Often gets challenging to identify the root cause of missingness and produce appropriate actions.

  • A key part of data cleanup and data preprocessing before starting the mining process.

How to deal with Missing Values?

Strategy 1: Ignoring Missing values

  • Delete data with missing values before mining
  • Two strategies of deletion:
    • Listwise deletion: a record is deleted if any of the attribute has missing data in it
    • Pairwise deletion: deletion based on variable of interest
  • Several limitations:
    • If missing rate is high, significantly reduces size of the data
    • May affect model strength and lead to inaccurate conclusion
    • Even the rate is small, often small amount of data contribute to valuable information.

Strategy 2: Missing Value Imputation (MVI)

  • Calculates plausible values based on different strategies and impute missing value with calculated values
  • When missing rate is high, deletion is often not a feasible solution
  • Leverages information in the observed portion and variability in the data to deal with missing values
  • A powerful tool to ensure data quality for mining tasks
  • However, can get challenging to select the best possible approach of imputations as several factors are required to be considered as wrong imputation approach can mislead and distort mining results

Missingness Mechanism

Why missingness occurred in the dataset?

  • Three mechanisms to explain missingness in the data:

    • Missing Completely At Random (MCAR) - Assumes that the pattern of missingness is completely at random and does not depend on the observed or unobserved portion of data.
    • Missing At Random (MAR) - Assumes that the pattern of missingness depends on the observed portion of the data and not on the unobserved part of the data.
    • Missing Not At Random (MNAR) - Assumes that probability of missing value depends on unobserved data and external factors that was not considered.
  • Helps planning for proper methods and tools to tackle missing value

  • Help identifying whether deleting missing data is a viable option

Missing Rate

  • Indicate the ratio of missing value compared to the observed data
  • Helps identify the appropriate strategy in dealing with missing values
  • If low (5 – 10%), discarding often does not significantly affect the accuracy of mining results.

MVI Techniques

Technique 1: Constant Value Imputation

  • Replace missing values with some constant (e.g., global missing flag etc.).

  • Works comparatively better for categorical data.

  • Disadvantage: Does not consider variability in the data (not “smart”).

Technique 2: Mean Imputation

  • Replaces the missing values with sample mean of the observed values

  • Works better with continuous data that are approximately normally distributed

  • Disadvantage: Does not consider correlations across variables

Technique 3: Median Imputation

  • Replaces the missing values with sample median of the observed values

  • Works better when distribution of the missing variable is skewed in nature

  • Disadvantage: Same! Does not consider correlations across variables

Technique 4: Expectation Maximization (EM) Imputation

  • An iterative approach; calculates the likelihood estimates for the incomplete data

  • Two steps –

    • E-Step: Attempts to estimate the missing data in the variables.
    • M-Step: Attempts to optimize the parameters to best explain the data.
  • Iteratively alternate between the steps until parameter estimates converge

Technique 5: k-NN Imputation

  • Uses the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to predict the missing data

  • Pseudocode:

    1. Start with a suitable value for k – number of nearest neighbors
    2. Compute the similarity of observed data with the missing data using distance functions, e.g., Euclidian distance
    3. Choose the k smallest distance rows as the k nearest neighbor of the missing record
    4. Calculate the weights of the k-nearest values and estimate the missing value as the weighted average of k nearest neighbor
  • Disadvantage: Time consuming when the size of the data grows.

  • Disadvantage: Finding the optimal k value is often difficult.

Technique 6: Multiple Imputation using Chained Equation (MICE)

  • Uses many imputed values to substitute a missing value instead of single imputation

  • 3 steps:

    • Generation: In an iterative approach, a total of m imputed datasets are created
    • Analyze: m datasets are examined, and parameter of interest is estimated
    • Combination: the best result is obtained by combining the m datasets
  • Advantage: More unbiased compared to other methods

  • Disadvantage: Can be time consuming

MVI method comparison

  • Comparing five MVI approaches:

    1. Mean Imputation
    2. Median Imputation
    3. EM Imputation
    4. k-NN Imputation
    5. MICE Imputation
  • Using three UCI Machine Learning numeric multivariate datasets

  • Considering two level of missing rate: 5% and 55%

  • Evaluating Normalized Root Mean Square (NRMSE) as the evaluation metric: lower means better.


R project for comparing different Missing Value Imputation (MVI)* approaches across three datasets.







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