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EVSL: EigenValues Slicing Library (Version 1.1.1)


                          ChebLanNr, ChebLanTr, ChebSI, RatLanNr and RatLanTr
               Polynomial and Rational Filtered Lanczos and subspace iteration algorithms
                                 For Symmetric Eigenvalue problems

Welcome to EVSL. EVSL is a C library for computing the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix that are located in a given interval. EVSL implements a polynomial filtered Lanczos method (thick restart, no restart) a rational filtered Lanczos method (thick restart, no restart), and a polynomial filtered subspace iteration for solving standard eigenvalue problems A u = λ u and generalized eigenvalue problems A u = λ B u. EVSL also provides tools for spectrum slicing, i.e., the technique of subdividing a given interval into p smaller subintervals and computing the eigenvalues in each subinterval independently. This is achieved by estimating the spectral density of the matrix (or matrix pair for generalized problems) with either the Kernel Polynomial method (KPM) or a Lanczos based method. This release does not yet offer full parallel implementations (trivial openMP test programs are available among the test drivers). Versions 1.1.x have much added functionality relative to version 1.0. Most notably:

  • EVSL now handles both standard and generalized problems
  • Matrix-free mechanism [whereby user provides own matvec function]
  • Interface for FORTRAN users
  • Spectrum slicing by KPM as well as Lanczos. Also effective spectrum slicing for Ax=λ Bx
  • Interfaces to various direct solvers that are needed by the code
  • Recently added: Generalized eigenvalue problems without factorizations [using polynomials in B]

For questions/feedback send e-mail to Yousef Saad [[email protected]]


An article describing EVSL is available from SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, which can be cited as follows [bibtex entry]

author = {Li, R. and Xi, Y. and Erlandson, L. and Saad, Y.},
title = {The Eigenvalues Slicing Library (EVSL): Algorithms, Implementation, and Software},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
volume = {41},
number = {4},
pages = {C393-C415},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1137/18M1170935},
URL = {},
eprint = {}}

A detailed documentation of the code can be found in the `Documentation' folder of the package in EVSL_1.1.x


Library: To build the EVSL library on Unix-like operating system, such as Linux and macOS, the simplest way is to run, in the sub-directory EVSL_1.1.1,


which, upon successful completion, creates file, EVSL configuration header file ./INC/EVSL_config.h, file config.status containing information of the current configuration and file config.log containing messages produced by compilers while running configure, then followed by


which compiles EVSL with default options and installs the library in ./EVSL/include and ./EVSL/lib. There are many options to configure and make to customize installation directories, compiler selections, compile and load flags, etc. For example,

./configure --prefix=evsl-install-dir
make install

copies the built EVSL libraries and include files into evsl-install-dir, and

./configure --with-openmp

enables EVSL to use OpenMP threading. For a complete list of options and the descriptions, type

./configure --help

The user may directly modify and ./INC/EVSL_config.h for customizations.

Test programs: In the directories under TESTS/, you will find a number of directories that contain sample drivers of different functions in EVSL for spectral slicing, computing eigenvalues, and computing DOS (density of states). To compile, type

make test

in sub-directory EVSL_1.1.1.


Note that EVSL can be built without external BLAS and LAPACK being provided and can also optionally use external BLAS and LAPACK libraries provided by the user, by doing, e.g.,

./configure --with-blas-lib=/usr/local/lib/libblas.a --with-lapack-lib=/usr/local/lib/liblapack.a


./configure --with-blas-lib-name=blas --with-blas-lib-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-lapack-lib-name=lapack

On macOS, configure EVSL to use Apple Accelerate framework by

./configure --with-framework-accelerate


CXSparse CXSparse is the default direct linear solver used in EVSL for the linear systems with complex symmetric matrix (A-SIGMA I) or (A-SIGMA B) that arise in rational filtering methods and linear systems with SPD matrix B in generalized eigenvalue problems. A (modified) copy of CXSparse is included in EVSL_1.1.1/DIRECT/CXSparse. Using alternative high performance direct solvers (see below) can often yield better overall performance of EVSL.

NOTE: CXSparse, which is distributed with EVSL, is Copyrighted by Timothy Davis. As noted above much better performance can be achieved by other existing direct solvers. Refer to CXSparse package for its License. []

SuiteSparse: EVSL can use UMFPACK in SuiteSparse to solve linear systems with (A-SIGMA I) or (A-SIGMA B), and CHOLMOD to solve linear systems with B. To configure EVSL with SuiteSparse, run

./configure --with-suitesparse-dir=DIR --with-blas-lib-name=LIB --with-lapack-lib-name=LIB

NOTE: SuiteSparse is NOT distributed with EVSL, and it is Copyrighted by Timothy Davis. Refer to the SuiteSparse package for its license. []

Pardiso: Pardiso in Intel MKL [] is also supported. To configure EVSL with MKL Pardiso, run

./configure --with-mkl-pardiso --with-intel-mkl

ensuring that MKLROOT is set correctly.

Interface: Interface functions to call CXSparse, SuiteSparse and Pardiso from EVSL are provided in EVSL_1.1.1/DIRECT/Interface. Other solvers can also be used by writing an interface of the same type.


Rational filtering requires solving linear systems (where the coefficient matrix is the original matrix shifted by a complex shift). A linear solver routine must be provided.

After having computed the rational filter by calling

int find_ratf(double *intv, ratparams *rat)

the users can call

int SetASigmaBSol(ratparams *rat, int i, SolFuncC func, void *data)

to set a linear solver for the ith pole of the rational filter, where func is a function pointer for solving linear systems with pole i, of which the coefficient matrix is A - s_i I or A - s_i B for generalized eigenvalue problems with s_i = rat->zk[i] being the complex shift, and data points to the data that are needed by func.

Note that func must be of the following prototype

void SolFuncC(int n, double *br, double *bz, double *xr, double *xz, void *data);

where n is the size of the system, br, bz are the right-hand side (real and imaginary parts of complex vector), xr, xz will hold the solution (complex vector) on return, and data contains all the data needed for the solver.

Once SetASigmaBSol is executed, rational filtering Lanczos methods should be ready to use.


All the eigensolvers in EVSL can be used in `matrix-free' mode. In this mode, users need only to provide their own matrix-vector product function of the following prototype:

  void MVFunc(double *x, double *y, void *data);

where y = A * x and data is the pointer to the associated data to perform the matvec. The (void *) argument is to provide a uniform interface to all user-specific functions. For a particular Matvec function, one can pack all data needed by this function into a struct and pass the pointer of this struct to EVSL (after casting it to (void *)). This function needs to be passed to EVSL as well, so EVSL can call it to perform all matvecs. The user can also pass needed matrices in the standard CSR format to EVSL, in which case EVSL will use its internal MATVEC routine. This can be set by

  SetAMatrix(csrMat *A)
  SetBMatrix(csrMat *B)

for the matrices A and B

In TESTS/LAP, an example of matvec functions for 2D/3D Laplacian matrices is provided, where the matrix is not explicitly formed but 5pt/7pt stencil is used instead to perform the matvecs. In this example, a struct for matvec is first defined:

  typedef struct _lapmv_t {
    int  nx,  ny,  nz;
    double  *stencil;
  } lapmv_t;

and the matvec function is implemented as:

  void Lap2D3DMatvec(double  *x, double  *y,  void  *data) {
    lapmv_t *lapmv = (lapmv_t *) data;
    int nx = lapmv->nx;
    int ny = lapmv->ny;
    int nz = lapmv->nz;
    double *stencil = lapmv->stencil;

in which the pointer is first cast and all the data is unpacked. Once these are ready, they can be passed to EVSL by calling

  SetAMatvec(n, &Lap2D3DMatvec, (void*) &lapmv) and
  SetBMatvec(n, &Lap2D3DMatvec, (void*) &lapmv)

to set the matvec routines for A and B respectively, where the first input is the size of the "matrix", the second input is the function pointer and the third one is the data pointer. Once SetMatvecFunc is called, EVSL will use the registered matvec function to perform all matvecs with A.

Users should first create a function wrapper of the above type for an external matvec routine. Then, following the steps in the example, it will be straightforward to use it in EVSL.


For solving the generalized eigenproblem A x = λ B x, the users must also provide a solver for the B matrix by calling

  SetBSol(SolFuncR func, void *data).

To indicate to EVSL that a generalized eigenvalue problem is being solve, one must call


since by default, EVSL assumes that a standard eigenvalue problem is being solved even when a B matrix is provided. Call the function


for solving standard eigenvalue problem

To implement spectrum slicing, the current version of EVSL requires system solutions with the matrix L', where B=L*L' is the Cholesky factorization of B. Call the function

SetLTSol(SolFuncR func, void *data)

to set the solver function for L'.

Version 1.1.1 includes drivers for solving certain types of generalized eigenvalue problems by polynomial filtering by methods that avoid matrix factorizations.

CUDA GPU Support

All the eigensolvers in EVSL can be accelerated by Nvidia CUDA GPUs. To enable the GPU support, configure EVSL with

./configure --with-cuda

with CUDA_HOME and EVSL_CUDA_SM (the default is 60) set properly. All the test drivers in TESTS should work on GPUs with the exception of Fortran/LapPLanN_MatFree.f90 that requires writing CUDA fortran kernels (with PGI CUDA Fortran). It should be clear from these drivers how the user needs to handle the GPU memory for the matrices and vectors that are given to EVSL solvers.

Initialization and Completion

  • Use EVSLStart() and EVSLFinish() before and after any call to the EVSL functions


  • INC

    • EVSL_config.h : configuration header file (created from CONFIG/
    • evsl.h : user-level function prototypes and constant definitions
    • internal_header.h : internal header file for SRC/
    • struct.h : miscellaneous structs used in evsl
  • SRC

    • blas/ : required C blas routines
    • lapack/ : required C lapack routines
    • cheblanNr.c : Polynomial Filtered no-restart Lanczos
    • cheblanTr.c : Polynomial Filtered thick restart Lanczos
    • chebpoly.c : Computing and applying polynomial filters
    • chebsi.c : Polynomial Filtered Subspace iteration
    • dos_utils.c : Miscellaneous functions used for DOS based functions.
    • dumps.c : Miscellaneous functions for I/O and for debugging
    • evsl.c : Set EVSL solver options and data
    • evsl_f90.c : Fortran interface
    • evsl_memory.c : EVSL memory management
    • exDOS.c : Exact DOS given eigenvalues
    • lanTrbounds.c : A more robust alg. to compute bounds of spectrum based on TR Lanczos
    • lanbounds.c : Lanczos alg. to compute bounds of spectrum
    • landos.c : Lanczos based DOS algorithm for the standard problem
    • landosG.c : Lanczos based DOS algorithm for generalized and standard problems
    • misc_la.c : Miscellaneous linear algebra functions
    • ratfilter.c : Computing and applying rational filters
    • ratlanNr.c : Rational Filtered no-restart Lanczos
    • ratlanTr.c : Rational Filtered thick restart Lanczos
    • simpson.c : Simpson integrator
    • spmat.c : Sparse matrix routines
    • spslice.c : Spectrum slicing functions for Kernel Polynomial Method
    • spslice2.c : Spectrum slicing functions for Lanczos
    • stats.c : Various statistics
    • timing.c : Timer
    • vect.c : Vector operations
  • TESTS/ : Test drivers

    • Fortran/ : Fortran test drivers

    • PLanR : Polynomial Filtered Thick Restart Lanczos test drivers

      • LapPLanR.c : Polynomial filtering T-R Lanczos (Lapliacian)
      • MMPLanR.c : Polynomial filtering T-R Lanczos (Matrix Market)
      • MMPLanR_omp.c : Polynomial filtering T-R Lanczos (parallelized with OMP for slices) (Matrix Market)
    • RLanR : Rational Filtered Thick Restart Lanczos test drivers

      • LapRLanR.c : Rational filtering T-R Lanczos (Laplacian)
      • MMRLanR.c : Rational filtering T-R Lanczos (Matrix Market)
    • PLanN : Polynomial Filtered No-Restart Lanczos test drivers

      • MMPLanN.c : Polynomial filtering non-restart Lanczos (Matrix Market)
      • LapPLanN.c : Polynomial filtering non-restart Lanczos (Laplacian)
      • LapPLanN_MatFree.c : "matrix-free" version: not forming matrix but passing mat-vec function (Laplacian)
    • RLanN : Rational Filtered No-Restart Lanczos test drivers

      • LapRLanN.c : Rational filtering non-restart Lanczos (Laplacian)
      • MMRLanN.c : Rational filtering non-restart Lanczos (Matrix Market)
    • GEN : Test drivers for the generalized eigenvalue problem

      • MMsimple.c : A stripped down (no slicing) drivier based on MMPLanN.c
      • MMPLanN.c : Polynomial filtering non-restart Lanczos (Matrix Market)
      • MMPLanR.c : Polynomial filtering T-R Lanczos (Matrix Market)
      • MMRLanN.c : Rational filtering non-restart Lanczos (Matrix Market)
      • MRLanR.c : Rational filtering T-R Lanczos (Matrix Market)
    • PSI : Test drivers for polynomial filter subspace iteration

      • LapPSI.c : Polynomial filtering subspace iterations (Laplacian)
      • MMPSI.c : Polynomial filtering subspace iterations (Matrix Market)
    • COMMON : Routines common to the test drivers

      • io.c : parse command-line input parameters
      • lapl.c : Build Laplacian matrices and compute the exact eigenvalues of Laplacians
      • mmio.c : IO routines for the matrix market format
    • COMMON_GEN : Routines common to the test drivers for the generalized eigenvalue problem

      • io.c : parse command-line input parameters
      • lapl.c : Build Laplacian matrices and compute the exact eigenvalues of Laplacians
      • mmio.c : IO routines for the matrix market format
    • TESTS/Landos : test drivers for the lanDOS related functions.

      • LanDos.c : DOS for standard eigenvalue problem using Lanczos
      • LanDosG.c : DOS for generalized eigenvalue problem using Lanczos

    • CXSparse/ : a copy of modified CXSparse
    • Interface/evsl_suitesparse.c : suitesparse UMFPACK and CHOLMOD interface
    • Interface/evsl_cxsparse.c : cxsparse interface
    • Interface/evsl_pardiso.c : pardiso interface
    • Interface/evsl_direct.h : header for all direct solver interface