An Ethereum faucet with a React frontend and a REST API. Works on any network you configure (and fund the faucet account ofcourse).
- A running local GETH node. ( or access to a node like Infura ) with RPC-JSON enabled.
cd locals-faucetserver
npm install
cd static
yarn build
cd ..
Create a lightwallet wallet.json
node mkwallet.js test > wallet.json
You can change test
to whatever the password is that you want to encrypt your wallet with.
Create a config file config.json
"etherscanroot": "",
"payoutfrequencyinsec": 60,
"payoutamountinether": 0.1,
"queuesize": 5,
"walletpwd": "test",
"httpport": 3000,
"web3": {
"host": "http://<YOUR ETH NODE>:8545"
Start your faucet:
node index.js
edit the file static/src/config.js
and specify the base URL for your API
You can access our Ropsten testnet faucet at:
GET{ethereum address}
ethereum address
your ethereum address
"paydate": 1461335186,
"address": "0x687422eea2cb73b5d3e242ba5456b782919afc85",
"amount": 1000000000000000000,
"txhash": "0x..."
the unix timestamp when the transaction will be executed. Depends on the current length of the queueaddress
the address where the payment will be doneamount
the amount in Wei that will be transferredtxhash
transaction hash : if the queue is empty, you will immediately receive the transaction hash - if the queue is not empty - your request will be queued until paydate and the txhash field will be empty.
: Request OK400
: The address is invalid403
: The queue is full / you are greylisted / blacklisted.500
: Internal faucet error