Version 0.1 - barium
Lettuce release names will be inspired by any green stuff.
Barium: In form of "barium nitrate" is commonly used to make green fireworks. Such a good name for a first version :)
Lettuce is a BDD tool for python, 100% inspired on cucumber.
- Cucumber makes Ruby even more sexy. Python needed something like it.
- Testing must be funny and easy.
- Most python developers code in python, not ruby.
- Ruby has Capistrano, Python has Fabric. Ruby has cucumber, Python has lettuce.
- I personally don't like mixing many languages in small projects. Keeping all in python is better.
- I love python, and ever did. But I also ever missed something that make writing tests easier and funnier.
- I like nose, which is a unittest pythonic framework. However, as the project I work on grows, so do the tests, and it becomes harder to understand them.