Built with:
- html
- css
- javascript
- jQuery for DOM manipulation
- AJAX for API calls
Planning After wireframing, I started with the API calls for authenticating users. Then I worked on the logic for the game board. This proved to be more challenging than expected, especially for switching between X and O and stopping the game after it was finished. Part of the challenge was coming up with a way to switch because there wasn't any specific function to do this. I decided to count the number of turns taken and use X on even turns and O on odds. After game logic I tackled the API calls for the game where I learned a lot about storing variables for use in other files, followed by some styling.
Problems to be solved in later versions:
- styling
- forms moving down the page that shouldn't
- clear messages
- only count games that are completed
Wireframes: https://imgur.com/a/IXkrFL0
User stories: https://imgur.com/a/rXtIQll