Monero Static is a simple tool that allows to build your own release of the Monero CLI and daemon. It removes the need to trust third parties, keeps your computer free of Monero specific dependencies and allow to test the newest functionalities not yet included in official releases.
This repository contains a Dockerfile and a bash script. The script runs the Dockerfile and will start building the latest Monero software as soon as it's launched. The script will create a reusable image that can be used every time you want to have an updated version of the Monero software. After compilation, the resulting binaries will be available in a 'bin' folder.
The first time you launch the script, it will take some time to build the dependencies and the softwate, but as said above, once the image is installed you can reuse it multple times, decreasing dramatically the amount of time needed to build the software.
If the image is already installed, you will be asked if you want to build 'master' or the latest release. The 'master' branch contains all the current progresses of the monero developers and it's considered unstable, if you don't care about testing new fancy features, just build the latest stable release.
The script is tested on Debian Buster, Ubuntu 18 and Fedora 32.
Make sure to install Docker, then run the script by using the command ./
Run in the terminal:
sudo apt install git
If possible, use your packaging system to get docker. For example, on Debain based distros docker can be installed by simply running sudo apt install
Take a look at the official documentation for details.
If the script doesn't work for you, proceed by using docker manually.
git clone
cd monero-static-docker
docker build . -t monero-static-docker
This will take some time. Just sit back and wait until your computer is done compiling, then run the following command to create a container based on the docker image you just built. The binaries will be there, waiting to be copied to your system.
docker run -it --rm --name monero-static monero-static-docker
Run this command from outside your container. Meaning you need to lunch another terminal window.
docker cp monero-static:/home/monero/build/Linux/master/release/bin <DESTINATION FOLDER IN THE HOST SYSTEM>
The container will be destroyed right after we leave it, but the monero-static-docker
image is still there and contains the monero git repository with all the static dependencies already compiled. That means when the upstream repository gets updated, we can just create a container based on the image we already built, pull the changes and build Monero again.
docker run -it --rm --name monero-static monero-static-docker
cd monero && git pull
make clean
make release-static
docker cp monero-static:/home/monero/build/Linux/master/release/bin <DESTINATION FOLDER IN THE HOST SYSTEM>