A growing requirement in countries across the world that implement OpenMRS is the need to migrate OpenMRS databases. There are usually a number of different reasons for this, whether it be:
- Upgrading version of OpenMRS
- Migrating to an OpenMRS distro such as Bahmni or RefApp
- Harmonizing metadata across a region
Usually implementers rely on OpenMRS's built in migration scripts for the first one, but the other two usually require custom scripts be implemented for the specific project or region.
The aim of this tool is to fill that gap by being a configurable tool that will allow implementers to easily migrate their OpenMRS databases in whichever way is needed.
Java 8 needs to be installed for this application to run.
To build an executable JAR file run:
./gradlew build
To run the SpringBoot application run:
./gradlew bootrun
This app uses the Spotless code formatter to apply the Google Java Format rules to the code base.
If you find yourself with linting exceptions, to automatically resolve all issues try running
./gradlew spotlessApply
First create the merge database:
Then load one of the dumps into ETL_MERGE_DATABASE
. After that run the following script:
insert into person_attribute_type
(name, description, searchable, creator, date_created, retired, uuid) values
('Source DB ID', 'ID from source database', false, 1, curdate(), false, '8d793bee-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd23');
To execute the setup run:
java -jar migrator.jar setup
To merge OpenMRS databases run:
java -jar migrator.jar run
To list available subcommands run:
java -jar migrator.jar -h
This will run PDI transformations using ETL_SOURCE_DATABASE
as the input database. The output will be saved in a database
referenced by ETL_MERGE_DATABASE
The tool uses the following variables that can be configured either through system properties or the PDI kettle.properties
To specify one of the variables as a system property use the following syntax:
java -DETL_DATABASE_USER=otheruser -jar migrator.jar run
Note that system properties take precedence over kettle.properties
- Java 8
- Gradle (build tool)
- SpringBoot
- SpringMVC Web technologies
- Thymeleaf Page Layouts
- Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)