Deploy an HA SLES15 cluster template
The HAtemp.json file is an annotated version of the template but it does not pass syntax checks for a JSON document, the HAtemp.jsonc is an annotated version of the template and can be deployed using the following commands.
export rg=clusterrg
export location=eastus
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -f azureuser_key
privkey=$(base64 -w0 azureuser_key)
myip=$(curl 2>/dev/null)
az group create --name $rg --location "$location"
az deployment group create --name blanktemplate --resource-group $rg --template-file HAtemp.jsonc \
--parameters parameters.json --parameters privkey="$privkey" --parameters pubkey="$pubkey" \
--parameters myipaddress=${myip}