AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for Robot Framework. Library can be downloaded from PyPI.
It uses Appium to communicate with Android and iOS application similar to how Selenium WebDriver talks to web browser.
It is supporting Python 3.7+ (since Appium Python Client doesn't support Python 2.7 anymore)
See Keyword Documentation for available keywords and more information about the library in general.
Option 1 (recommended)
The recommended installation method is using pip:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-appiumlibrary
Option 2
It is possible to install directly from GitHub repository. To Install latest source from the master branch, use this command: pip:
pip install git+
Please note that installation will take some time, because pip
clone the AppiumLibrary project to a temporary directory and then
perform the installation.
See Robot Framework installation instructions for detailed information about installing Python and Robot Framework itself.
After installing the library, you still need to setup an simulator/emulator or real device to use in tests. iOS and Android have separate paths to follow, and those steps better explained in Appium Driver Setup Guide. Please follow the Driver-Specific Setup according to platform.
To write tests with Robot Framework and AppiumLibrary, AppiumLibrary must be imported into your RF test suite. See Robot Framework User Guide for more information.
As it uses Appium make sure your Appium server is up and running. For how to use Appium please refer to Appium Documentation
When using Robot Framework, it is generally recommended to write tests easy to read/modify.
The keywords provided in AppiumLibrary are pretty low level. It is thus typically a good idea to write tests using
Robot Framework's higher level keywords that utilize AppiumLibrary
keywords internally. This is illustrated by the following example
where AppiumLibrary keywords like Input Text
are primarily
used by higher level keywords like Input Search Query
*** Settings ***
Documentation Simple example using AppiumLibrary
Library AppiumLibrary
*** Variables ***
${ANDROID_APP} ${CURDIR}/demoapp/ApiDemos-debug.apk
*** Test Cases ***
Should send keys to search box and then check the value
Open Test Application
Input Search Query Hello World!
Submit Search
Search Query Should Be Matching Hello World!
*** Keywords ***
Open Test Application
Open Application automationName=${ANDROID_AUTOMATION_NAME}
... app=${ANDROID_APP}
Input Search Query
[Arguments] ${query}
Input Text txt_query_prefill ${query}
Submit Search
Click Element btn_start_search
Search Query Should Be Matching
[Arguments] ${text}
Wait Until Page Contains Element android:id/search_src_text
Element Text Should Be android:id/search_src_text ${text}
Create a file with the content above (name it: test_file.robot
) and execute:
robot test_file.robot
The above example is single file test case, more examples can be found in a sample project that illustrates using Robot Framework and AppiumLibrary. Check the sample project that you can find examples of mobile web & ios & android.
Fork the project, make a change, and send a pull request!
AppiumLibrary is modeled after (and forked from) appiumandroidlibrary, but re-implemented to use appium 1.X technologies.