OK Welcome to the game.
To celebrate our independence day, lets having fun with some game
This is a basic CTF game which is you need to get some flag that hidden in this code. If you see some common "cipher" pattern here, you will know which cipher was used here :))
Something you need to do is only "realize" what cipher was used here and what "key" to unlock the flag. Basically the key was placed anywhere, so use your imagination.
Try to execute verify(someKey)
if you have known the right "key".
Try to DM evilfactorylabs at Twitter (@evilfactorylabs) if you don't use Twitter, you can reach us via Telegram Fariz or Rin. Or if you don't use Twitter & Telegram, you can reach us via Instagram @evilfactorylabs.
You will get some GOPAY balance if you successfully get the flag, good luck and having fun!
Pro Tips: Use your browser devtool :))