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Iyzico ruby client

Checkout api documentations


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'iyzi'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install iyzi


Before using the library, you must supply your Iyzico API key and secret. There are two ways to configure. You can either put the code below into initializer:

Iyzi.configure do |config|
  config.api_key  = 'API_KEY'
  config.secret   = 'SECRET'
  config.base_url = 'BASE_API_URL' # default '' if not specified

or you could send configuration object as a parameter

config = 'API_KEY', secret: 'SECRET')
params = { bin_number: '411111', config: config }


Checkout examples

Supported Endpoints

Checked items are supported

  • Yeni Alt Üye İşyeri Ekleme Servisi /onboarding/submerchant POST
  • Alt Üye İşyeri Güncelleme Servisi /onboarding/submerchant PUT
  • Ödeme (Auth) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/auth/ecom POST
  • 3D Secure Ödeme (initialize 3DS) Başlatma Servisi /payment/iyzipos/initialize3ds/ecom POST
  • 3D Secure Ödeme (Auth 3DS) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/auth3ds/ecom POST
  • Ön Otorizasyon (PreAuth) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/preauth/ecom POST
  • Son Otorizasyon (PostAuth=Capture) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/postauth POST
  • İptal (Cancel) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/cancel POST
  • İade (Refund) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/refund POST
  • İade (Refund) Servisi - İadeyi Üye İşyerinin Üstlendiği /payment/iyzipos/refund/merchant/charge POST
  • Para Transferi İçin Ürüne Onay Verme Servisi /payment/iyzipos/item/approve POST
  • Para Transferi İçin Ürüne Verilen Onayı Geri Çekme Servisi /payment/iyzipos/item/disapprove POST
  • Mahsuplaşma - Alt Üye İşyerine Para Gönderme Servisi /crossbooking/send POST
  • Mahsuplaşma - Alt Üye İşyerinden Para Alma Servisi /crossbooking/receive POST
  • Servis Ayakta mı Testi (Healthcheck) /payment/test GET
  • BIN Kontrol Servisi /payment/bin/check POST
  • Taksit Matrisi (Installment) Servisi /payment/iyzipos/installment POST
  • Ödemeden Bağımsız Kart Ekleme Servisi /cardstorage/card POST
  • Ödemeden Bağımsız Kart Silme Servisi /cardstorage/card DELETE
  • Ödemeden Bağımsız Kart Bilgilerini Çekme Servisi /cardstorage/cards POST
  • Parası Transferi Yapılan İşlemler Servisi /reporting/settlement/payoutcompleted POST
  • Para Transferi Bankadan Geri Dönenler Servisi /reporting/settlement/bounced POST
  • initializeCheckoutForm /payment/iyzipos/checkoutform/initialize/ecom POST
  • Callback & getAuthResponse /payment/iyzipos/checkoutform/auth/ecom/detail POST


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


No packages published


  • Ruby 99.8%
  • Shell 0.2%