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Health bars

Avi Kelman edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 1 revision


Displays graphical status bars for Health, Mana, Moves, Experience, Enemy Health, and Alignment.

What does it look like?

When you first load the client package, it should look something like this...

What other display options are there?

There are many display customization options accessible through the right-click menu.

Note: Because of a quirk with the colored gauge code, all right clicks must for now be in the black or text area. Right clicks won't work inside the gauge areas.

Change Font

Changes the display font. This also affects the height of the display area, because the gauge thickness is keyed directly to the height of your chosen font.

Stack Bars

You may want a less prompt-like configuration for the status bars that puts them in a stack instead of a long row. Use the Stack and Un-stack options for switching between the original configuration and a stacked configuration.

Hide Labels

You may decide that the color and order sufficiently differentiates the bars for you, and you don't need the text labels taking up space. Use the Hide and Show options to toggle them off and on.

Activate/De-activate >

Maybe you don't need to see your mana status all the time. Or maybe you don't care about enemy health. You can turn different bars off and on using the options in this sub-menu.

Configure Colors >

Not everyone will like the default colors used for displaying the various status bars. You can configure your own preferences for border and fill colors for each of the status indicators.

Reverse TNL

TNL stands for "To Next Level" and indicates how much experience you still need to get before you will move to the next level. By default this bar shows EXP earned at your current level. It starts out empty at the beginning of a level and then fills up as you get closer to the next level. Toggle this option if you prefer instead to see the opposite view, a shrinking bar that indicates how much experience you have left to gain.

Text Mode

This mode gets rid of the bars altogether, and just shows a numerical readout of the various statuses.

Use Flat Gauges

This option changes the display style for the gauges from the gradient shaded bars to flat ones.

Overlay Numbers >

This submenu has options to make it so that the HP, MN, MV, TNL, and Enemy (when fighting) bars get overlayed with their respective raw numbers and/or percentages. This mode disables the 25% line markers in the bars because they would interfere with reading the text.

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