This is a fork of the CloudStack-PowerShell project which includes E-Mailing reports. This requires the machine running the script to have a SMTP listener on the local machine (or for you to hack the code to point to a different SMTP server)
A PowerShell Module for the Apache CloudStack / Citrix CloudPlatform API
This module provides Cmdlets for:
To install the module correctly, run the following in PowerShell:
$PSModulePath = $Env:PSModulePath -split ";" | Select -Index ([int][bool]$Global)
mkdir $PSModulePath\CloudStackReportsClient
Copy-Item .\*.psm1 $PSModulePath\CloudStackReportsClient\
Once the module is installed, it can be loaded via Import-Module CloudStackReportsClient
The .ps1 scripts shoud give you an idea of how to interact with the Module.