Periodically fetch http resources at specific intervals of time and a way to modify the strategy after each run.
You want to fetch an HTTP Resource, every 30 seconds, request timeout at 1 second, restarting the process for 10 times in case of errors:
let periodical =
{url: 'https:/'},
repetitions: 10,
interval: 30 * 1000,
timeout: 1000
result => console.log(result),
error => console.error(error),
() => console.log('periodical has ended');
Stopping the periodical stream by calling periodical.unsubscribe()
Define the strategy to follow when dealing with errors - can retry, repeat or stop a resource, from polling its value.
default is 0
alternatives: seconds | minutes | hours | days
examples: `{seconds: 30}` - every 30 seconds, make the request to fetch resource
repetitions: 'infinite',
// minutes `{minutes: 25}`, hours `{hours: 6}`
interval: {seconds: 30},
// in case of (some tbd) errors, retry the task for 20 times
// WILL HAVE A PRECEDENCE OVER `repetitions` and will bypass its value
// if undefined, default value is 10, or 'infinite' and never stops trying to repeat the task
retries: 30,
// when the interval has changed, before the task is called, you can
// modify the strategy of the next stage
// The state in this case is the last recorded value of running the
// task that resulted in some data(eg: 'data.match.odds')
onInterval: (periodical, state) => {
if (result.match.isLive)
return {continue: true, strategy: {interval: {seconds: 5}}}
if (result.match.hasEnded)
return {stop: true}
# install dependencies
`npm install`
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
`npm run dev`
# build for production with minification
`npm run build`