geWorkbench platform on the Web
This is a standard Java web application with backend database. To build, you need Java, and maven. To deploy, you need a Java application container, e.g. tomcat (tested), and a database system that supports JDBC, e.g. MySQL (tested).
The project needs to be built using Java 8. Although the application may be deployed and work under a newer Java, e.g. Java 11, the building must be done using Java 8 for now.
- build
mvn clean && mvn package
- before building, config files
need to be created - the database specified needs to be available
- before building, config files
- deploy
sudo cp target/geworkbench.war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps
- assuming the tomcat server is running at
- assuming the tomcat server is running at
- test
sudo tail -f ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs/catalina.out
. Check from the browser athttp://localhost:8080/geworkbench/
- backup the current deployment
- backup the webapps subdirectory and the war file (this will help diagnose any issues following the deployment or an emergency rollback if anything goes wrong during the deployment).
- backup the backend database as a sql dump
- check out the code to be deployed, for a certain tag (a branch if we expect active development continues separately for the deployed code from the master branch)
- update the properties files that are not in the github, typically by copying from a specified location. This should include
- build the war file by execute
mvn package
- copy the war file to the destination machine, at
- restart tomcat if necessary
- a few web services deployed separated. They might be on other servers, URLs specified
.- ANOVA analysis, t-test analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis, ARACNe analysis, MS-Viper analysis, PBQDI analysis
- gmail email support for the purpose of account registration communication
- LINCS web application. For our production deployment, this is on the same tomcat.
Other dependencies, e.g. CNKB query servlet, are indirect via those listed above.