compare changes
🚀 Enhancements
stripe: ⚠️ Major version about for stripe (#39 )
stripe. ⚠️ useClientStripe now expose an object with more informations than just the stripe instace
stripe. ⚠️ You can now block stripe auto loading for a manual load and eventually load as many client as you want on fly
📖 Documentation
Add Runtime Config section (#37 )
Add stripe Elements documentation
Improve a lot the playground with a full example of Stripe Element from server(api endpoint) to frontend
Add Example and documentation about now manually load stripe vs it being loaded
🏡 Chore
release: V3.0.0 (8f1b88c )
Migrate to eslint v9 (#33 )
Indicate compatibility with new v4 major (#36 )
⚠️ Breaking Changes
stripe: ⚠️ Major version about for stripe (#39 )
stripe. ⚠️ useClientStripe now expose an object with more informations than just the stripe instace
stripe. ⚠️ You can now block stripe auto loading for a manual load and eventually load as many client as you want on fly
Nothing seems to have change in terms of configuration but some features seems to have been deprecated or removed. Check and for more informations
❤️ Contributors
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