NOTE: This plugin has been incorporated into neovim's codebase and might soon be added to vim. The purpose of this standalone evrsion of the plugin was to be a testbed of the idea, and since it has accomplished its purpose, I am archiving the repository.
Create and follow interactive tutorials.
vim-tutor-mode uses the +conceal
feature extensively, so Vim version >= 7.4
is suggested.
Using a plugin manager like vim-plug,
add the following to your vimrc
Plug 'fmoralesc/vim-tutor-mode'
Otherwise copy this repository's contents to your ~/.vim
This plugin is only available if 'compatible'
is not set.
To learn how to create tutorials using vim-tutor-mode, see
:Tutor tutor
To see an example of how a third party plugin can use a tutorial, see vim-pad's tutorial.
Some of the materials included in the plugin are based on work from Vim's maintainers of Vimtutor (esp. Michael C. Pierce, Robert K. Ware and Bram Moolenaar) and in dahu's LearnVim.