Rxdart_builder is a simple wrapper library for common rxdart Stream constructors. The goal is to provide a Flutter-friendly way of creating Widgets, as opposed to combining StreamBuilder and a Stream constructor.
This package is totally optional, you can just use direct rxdart constructors if you prefer to.
Using rxdart_builders instead of StreamBuilder makes your UI more expressive, the difference in approach is best described via a few examples:
Widget build(BuildContext context) => StreamBuilder(
stream: Rx.combineLatest2(
Stream.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (i) => i),
Stream.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 2), (i) => i),
(int a, int b) => [a, b]),
initialData: [-1, null],
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<List<int>> snapshot) =>
Text('${snapshot.data.first}, ${snapshot.data.last}'),
Here there is no need to write a handler which combines the events into one single event, the builder method will list as AsyncSnapshot for each individual event instead.
Widget build(BuildContext context) => CombineLatest2Builder(
streamA: Stream.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (i) => i),
streamB: Stream.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 2), (i) => i),
initialDataA: -1,
(context, AsyncSnapshot<int> snapshotA, AsyncSnapshot<int> snapshotB) =>
Text('${snapshotA.data}, ${snapshotB.data}'),
Widget build(BuildContext context) => StreamBuilder(
stream: Rx.retry(() => userStream, 3),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<User> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('Oops!');
return Text('OK');
For convenience, you can optionally use a retryErrorBuilder, should the retry have failed for count amount of times.
Widget build(BuildContext context) => RetryBuilder(
count: 3,
streamFactory: () => userStream,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<User> snapshot) => Text('OK'),
retryErrorBuilder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<User> snapshot) => Text('Oops!'),
- CombineLatestNBuilder, where N is the amount of streams you combine
- ConcatBuilder
- ConcatEagerBuilder
- DeferBuilder
- ForkJoinBuilder
- MergeBuilder
- RaceBuilder
- RepeatBuilder
- RetryBuilder
- RetryWhenBuilder
- SwitchLatestBuilder
- ZipNBuilder, where N is the amount of streams you combine