Automatic detection of maximum compression without visually changing the image.
This is a library which attempts to determine the maximum amount of compression which can be applied to an image while not introducing any visible changes.
The output is an integer between 0 and 100.
composer require freshleafmedia/image-compression-finder
A working copy of kornelski/dssim must be installed.
To install the latest, at time of writing, on Ubuntu the following one-liner can be used:
curl -sSL > /tmp/dssim.deb && apt install /tmp/dssim.deb
Either of Imagick or GD extensions are required.
use FreshleafMedia\ImageCompressionFinder\ImageCompressionFinder;
$quality = ImageCompressionFinder::make()->run('/path/to/image');
$quality; // 66 (0-100)
The algorithm uses a binary search to repeatedly compress and test an image until the ideal quality is found
- Compress the image with a quality setting of 60
- Analyse the new image using DSSIM
- If the change is within tolerance the quality is halved, if not it is increased by 50% (aka a binary search)
- Compress the image again with the new quality
- GOTO 2
There are a couple of configuration options:
$quality = ImageCompressionFinder::make()
->maxDifference(0.001) // The highest acceptable visual change. 0-∞ where 0 is no change at all
->startingQuality(60) // Where to start the search
->driver('imagick') // The driver to use to compress images. Eg imagick or gd
Unit tests can be run via composer test