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FusionCharts Plugins

Suvradip Saha edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

We have developed few plugins for various tasks like embedding FusionCharts charts snippets or adding of metadata. Please find the overview of these custom plugins below -

Chart Embed

Just by providing the Javascript snippet resource file, you will be able to render any kind of FusionCharts chart.

{% embed_chart <file-name-1.js> %}


If you wish to add an embed with JSON and XML tabs then use the following syntax and provide JSON file path. Corresponding XML output will be generated automatically.

{% embed_data  <file-name-1.js> %}


To render Chart, JSON, XML and HTML all in one element, mention the source of Javascript Snippet file as shown below. Corresponding XML, JSON, HTML will be generated automatically.

{% embed_all  <file-name-1.js> %}


Page metadata such as title, h1, description and breadcrumbs for the page will be provided in the following format -

title: Installing FusionCharts Suite XT via npm and Bower | FusionCharts
description: FusionCharts Suite XT can now be downloaded via npm and Bower package managers. This section is an introduction to this feature.
heading: Installing FusionCharts Suite XT via npm and Bower
breadcrumb: [["Home", "/"], ["Installing FusionCharts Suite XT via npm and Bower"]]
feedbackWidget: `default true`
shareWidget: `default true`
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