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Compiler for a Bellang (stays for "Belarusian language"), which was written as a part of study assignment. Supports cross compilation with few other languages.



ELF object files

Compiling object files does not have any dependencies.

Custom bytecode

This project uses Processor for executing programs compiled to bytecode.

Processor is a virtual machine which executes custom byte code. Byte code is compiled using Assembler, which is a part of Processor project.


Logs contain graphical dumps of AST, which are created using graphviz.

Logs are not enabled by default, see src/config.h for details.


Project consists of 4 units:

  • Frontend compiles source code to Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).

  • Transpiler decompiles AST to source code.

  • Backend compiles AST to the custom assembly code.

  • Backend for ELF compiles AST to ELF object files.

Custom assembly code is compiled using Assembler and executed using Processor (see Custom bytecode).

Language uses custom standard for AST for cross compilation.

Cross compilation

Compiler supports cross compilation, which is based on common AST format.

AST standard described in

Other languages that support cross compilation:


Project should be built from source.

git clone
cd Language

All binaries will be placed in Language/bin folder.

To clean project tree after building run:

make clean

To remove all created files run:

make distclean


Project contains 6 separate binaries with similar format of commandline arguments:

<path/to/binary> --src <path/to/input> --dst <path/to/output>


./bin/frontend --src factorial.blr --dst factorial.tree

The only exception is cpu binary. It does not accept --dst option.

To run test compilation conveniently use examples from Language/tests folder.

# compile and run program for Processor
make compile
make cpu
# compile and run ELF program
make compile_elf
make run
# remove all created files
make clean

To compile other examples feel free to change Makefile in tests folder.

Language constructs and syntax

Bellang constructively appears to be an oversimplified C language. However, used keywords and few approaches are different.


Only double type is used in Bellang.

⚠️ Warning

ELF compiler double support is not implemented yet, it uses uint64_t instead.


Bellang supports comments with following syntax:

> this is comment <

    And this is also a comment.

Punctuators and operators

\\\\, ////

  • Delimit function, conditional and loop body.


  • Indicate the end of a statement.


  • Assignment subscription.


  • Expression subscription.


  • In a expression, indicate grouping.
  • Function call operator.
  • In a function definition, delimit the parameter list


  • List separator in
    • function definition.
    • function call.


  • Logical not operator.


  • Unary plus operator.
  • Binary plus operator.


  • Unary minus operator.
  • Binary minus operator.


  • Multiplication operator.


  • Division operator.


  • Assignment operator.


  • Equality operator.


  • Inequality operator.


  • Greater-than operator


  • Less-than operator


  • Less-than-or-equal-to operator.


  • Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.


  • Logical and operator.


  • Logical or operator.


  • Ariphmetic power operator.


There is no function declaration (except declaring directives). Functions are seen globally in every part of a program, even before definition. Every function must have 'return' statement. In Bellang вышпурнуць stays for return

Function definition has following form:

function-id function-parameter-list function-body


сумма(параметр1, параметр2)
    вышпурнуць параметр1 дадаць параметр2 нарэшце

Every program needs to have 'main' function. This function does not accept parameters. It cannot be called in program. In Bellang it's name is пачатак.

    вышпурнуць 0 нарэшце

Declaring directives (ELF only)

When compiling to ELF object file you can declare external function, which will be linked later.

External functions can have arguments of double type and can return double value. Compiler creates unmangled function name for C linkage.


@ foo(param1, param2) @

⚠️ Warning

ELF compiler double support is not implemented yet, it uses uint64_t instead.

Embedded functions (Processor only)

Processor does not support external functions. It has embedded functions instead.

They are called like normal functions, but they do not require to be defined.

    адказаць(сінус(запытаць())) нарэшце
    вышпурнуць 0 нарэшце

In this example three embedded functions are called:

  • запытаць gets input from stdin,
  • сінус evaluates sine of input,
  • адказаць writes the result to stdout.

List of embedded functions:


  • Returns sine of it's argument.


  • Returns cosine of it's argument.


  • Writes it's argument to stdout as a number. Returns 0.


  • Gets number from stdin and returns it.

надрукаваць(arr, arr_size)

  • Interprets array arr of size arr_size as square matrix of boolean values and prints it to stdout. Returns 0.


  • Returns integer part of a number.

Global variables

Bellang supports global variables, but there are some differences with C.

Global variables:

  • declared by first assignment in a file.
  • cannot be reassigned in file scope.
  • have global visibility.
  • can be used in functions above variable declaration.
  • can be initialized with number only.
  • can be declared as constant using непахісны keyword.
  • can be an array (see Arrays).



> GLOBAL_ARR wasn't declared before <

непахісны GLOBAL_ARR[19] апыняецца 42 нарэшце


will result in constructing array GLOBAL_ARR with 20 elements and assignment 42 to 19th element.


INDEX апыняецца 0 нарэшце

    GLOBAL_ARR[5] апыняецца 1234 нарэшце
    INDEX апыняецца 3 нарэшце
    адказаць(GLOBAL_VAR зрушаны_на (INDEX дадаць 2)) нарэшце > write 1234 to stdout <

    адказаць(GLOBAL_VAR зрушаны_на 15) нарэшце               > write 42 to stdout   <

    вышпурнуць 0 нарэшце

> array of 16 elements, declared after it is used <
GLOBAL_ARR[15] апыняецца 42 нарэшце

Local variables

Bellang supports local variables, but there are some differences with C.

Global variables:

  • declared by first assignment in a function scope.
  • appear in scope only after first assignment.
  • can be declared as constant using непахісны keyword.
  • can be an array (see Arrays).


    local_a апыняецца 27 дадаць 15 нарэшце
    local_b[15] апыняецца 5 памножаны_на local_a нарэшце

    вышпурнуць foo() нарэщце

    local_b апыняецца 3 нарэшце

    вышпурнуць local_b памножаны на 5 нарэшце


Bellang supports arrays, however it handles them not like C.

Arrays are declared on first assignment, as any variable. To specify that variable is an array use brackets [] with number of elements in them (e.g. array[20]).

The statement

> arr wasn't declared before <

arr[17] = 42 нарэшце


will result in constructing array of size 18 and assigning 42 to it's 17 element.

If arr was declared before, assignment occurs to 17 element of already constructed array. Compiler does not provide bounds-checking and will not expand existing array in case of out-of-bounds assignment.


There is only one type of loops -- 'while' loop. In Bellang пакуль stays for while.



iter апыняецца 0

пакуль(iter драбнейшы_за 10)
    iter апыняецца iter дадаць 1 нарэшце



There is only one type of conditional -- 'if' statement. In C if statement consists of 'if' branch and optional 'else' branch. Bellang uses the same form, with калі staying for if and інакш staying for else.


> var was declared before <

калі(var драбнейшы_за 10)
    var апыняецца var дадаць 1 нарэшце
    var апыняецца 42 нарэшце

калі(var розьніцца_з 42)
    var апыняецца var памножаны_на 2

Code example

This is examples of program that gets number from standard input and prints it's factorial to standard output.

Processor variant

    адказаць(фактарыял(запытаць())) нарэшце

    вышпурнуць 0 нарэшце

    калі(лічба драбнейшы_ці_роўны_з 1)
        вышпурнуць 1 нарэшце

    вышпурнуць лічба памножаны_на фактарыял(лічба за_недахопам 1) нарэшце

ELF variant

> External functions to print number and get number <
@ putnum(val) @
@ getnum() @

    putnum(factorial(getnum())) нарэшце
    вышпурнуць 0 нарэшце

factorial (лічба)
    калі(лічба драбнейшы_ці_роўны_з 1)
        вышпурнуць 1 нарэшце

    вышпурнуць лічба памножаны_на factorial(лічба за_недахопам 1) нарэшце


Frontend uses recursive descent parser.

Grammar with Bellang syntax can be found in src/frontend/parser.cpp.

Primary ::=
    '!' Primary           |
    '+' Primary           |
    '-' Primary           |
    '(' Expression ')'    |
    TYPE_NUMBER           |
    TYPE_ID               | // Variable     
    TYPE_ID '>>>' Primary | // Array access 
    TYPE_ID  '(' {Expression {',' Expression}*}? ')' | // Function call
    TYPE_EMB '(' {Expression {',' Expression}?}? ')'   // Embedded-function call

Power      ::= Primary {'^' Primary}?
Term       ::= Power {['/' '*'] Power}*
Ariphmetic ::= Term {['+' '-'] Term}*
Boolean    ::= Ariphmetic {['==' '>' '<' '<=' '>=', '!='] Ariphmetic}*
Expression ::= Boolean {['||' '&&'] Boolean}*
Conditional   ::= 'if'    '(' Expression ')' '{' {Statement}+ '}' {'else' '{' {Statement}+ '}'}?
Cycle         ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' '{' {Statement}+ '}'
Terminational ::= 'return' Expression ';'
Assign        ::= {'const'}? TYPE_ID {'[' Expression ']'}? '=' Expression ';'
Statement ::=
    Conditional   |
    Cycle         |
    Terminational |
    Assign        |
    Expression ';'

Define ::= TYPE_ID '(' {TYPE_ID {',' TYPE_ID}*}? ')' '{' {Statement}+ '}'

Directive ::= '@' TYPE_ID '(' {TYPE_ID {',' TYPE_ID}*}? ')' '@'

General ::= {Define | Assign | Directive}+

ELF technical details

ELF sections

Generally, the main idea of ELF format is to divide program into sections, create section headers for storing information about sections' position, size, connection between them and create program headers for storing information about program loading for execution. However, when creating ELF object file program headers are not needed.

ELF header (Ehdr)

The first place where any software that analyses ELF file will look at. Consists of ELF identifier bytes, information about machine, amount and position of section and program headers and so on.

Section header (Shdr)

Section headers are stored as an array of structures at displacement specified in Ehdr.

Section header contains information about section:

  • sh_name[4] - offset of string in shstrtab, containing name of the section.
  • sh_type[4] - section type (e.g. PROGBITS, STRTAB, ...).
  • sh_flags[8] - information about section rights in executable (e.g. Allocate, Read, Write, eXecute).
  • sh_addr[8] - section address during execution.
  • sh_offset[8] - section offset in file.
  • sh_size[8] - size of section in bytes.
  • sh_link[4] - index of section header of somehow linked section (e.g. index of strtab in symtab section header).
  • sh_info[4] - field with information that is interpreted depending on section type.
  • sh_addralign[8] - required alignment.
  • sh_entsize[8] - if section has element structure this field stores size of these elements (e.g. symtab).

Program header (Phdr)

Program headers are stored as an array of structures at displacement specified in Ehdr.

These headers are not used nor created in object file.

Program header contains information about loading parts (segments) of program:

  • p_type[4] - segment type (e.g. LOAD, INTERP, ...)
  • p_flags[4] - segment permissions (e.g. Read, Write, Execute).
  • p_offset[8] - segment offset in file.
  • p_vaddr[8] - virtual address of section.
  • p_paddr[8] - physical address of section.
  • p_filesz[8] - amount of bytes in segment.
  • p_memsz[8] - size of segment in memory (e.g. can be bigger than filesz for bss section).
  • p_align[8] - required alignment.


Section header string table (shstrtab) contains names of sections as null-terminated strings.


Text section contains encoded instructions, jumptables, etc.


Data section contains mutable static structures (e.g. global variables).


Symbol table (symtab) contains information about global and external symbols that program uses:

  • st_name[4] - offset of string in strtab, containing name of the symbol.
  • st_info[1] - type and bind attributes.
  • st_other[1] - symbol visibility.
  • st_shndx[2] - index of corresponding section header.
  • st_value[8] - address or value of symbol (depends on symbol type).
  • st_size[8] - corresponding size (depends on symbol type).

st_info[8:4] - bind attributes (Local, Global, Weak).

st_info[4:0] - type (object, function, section, file).

st_other[3:0] - visibility.


String table (strtab) contains null-terminated strings which are used as names' storage for other sections (e.g. symtab).


Relocation table (relatab (a goes for explicit addend)) contains relocations that has to be done during static or dynamic linking:

  • r_offset[8] - address to apply relocation to.
  • r_info[8] - symbol index in symtab and relocation type.
  • r_addend[8] - addend to value which will be inserted.

r_offset[8] is relative to section beginning.

When resolving call relocation we must set displacement relative to beginning of next instruction (RIP), but r_offset points to the beginning of memory for this displacement. Therefore, we must set -4 (size of displacement value) addend for every call to fix this.

Further reading

Instructions encoding

Coming soon...