This is the version 0.1 of libSO. It provides a convenient way to read and write a PharmML standard output object (version 0.1) and it provides basic schema based validation.
- Java JDK 1.6 or newer
- Ant (tested with version 1.8.4)
The project has been tested and is known to work with versions 1.6 and 1.7 of the JDK. Build instructions for both environments are provided below.
If you are downloading this distribution from a git repository then you need to first clone the project to your local machine. The remote repository will typically tell you how to do this.
In the previous version, latest PharmML schema definitions were fetched from repository during the check-out process. This does not occur anymore as there is no more class auto-generated by XSD files, and we want stable definition files.
First go to the build directory
cd libPharmML
Fetch all dependencies using Ivy.
ant retrieve
Force Java 6 use the latest version of JAXB instead of the one it comes with. This involves putting ivy_libs/src-build/jaxb-api.jar in your JRE's endorsed directory. You might use something like
cp ivy_libs/src-build/jaxb-api.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed/
Build the jars. This should download all dependencies and then compile the code. You should end up with three jar files containing the binary code, the javadoc of the API and the src code.
ant jar-all
Navigate to the libPharmML folder: cd libPharmML
Open the Ant script and change the values of the properties source and target from 1.6 to 1.7.
Call the default ant target, jar-all:
libPharmML is available through the EBI Maven repository: url: group: eu.ddmore.pharmml module: libPharmML-SO version: 0.1-b1
SOFactory soFactory = SOFactory.getInstance();
LibSO libSO = soFactory.createLibSO();
StandardisedOutputResource soResource = libSO.createDom(SOVersion.DEFAULT);
StandardisedOutput so = soResource.getDom();
so.setImplementedBy("John Doe");
SOBlock block = so.createSoBlock();
RawResults results = block.createRawResults();
ImportDataType rawFile = results.createRawFile("oi1", "data/results.csv", "CSV", Delimiter.COMMA);
// etc [...]
IValidationReport valRep = libSO.getValidator().createValidationReport(soResource);
for(int i=1;i<=valRep.numErrors();i++){
} FileOutputStream("/homes/florent/tmp/so_out.xml"), soResource);
Florent Yvon.
22 Oct 2014.
Copyright EMBL-EBI 2014.