Introduction to Algorithms
Trying these algorithms using C++ and TDD(gtest) if possible.
Installed CMake: C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\
Downloaded uncrustify from
Put it to the following location, C:\Tools\uncrustify\
cfg file for cpp -> C:\Users\milkyway\uncrustify.cfg Added uncrustify.cfg to the repository.
Instruction on mac, after clone, create build directory at the root of source directory and run "cmake ../" followed by make to generate _SampleAppTest in build directory.
- Clone the repo
- Install gtest using this script - linuxcommands/scripts/
- Create build director at the root of the source directory and run "cmake ../" inside of build directory.
- Run "make"
This should generate _SampleAppTest
make _BenckmarkSampleAppTest Currently generating "fatal error: benchmark/benchmark.h: No such file or directory"