RESTful API generator for Express and Mongoose. Nerm maps routes directly to your mongoose models.
Nerm came about because we needed a light weight API generator. Nerm's feature set is small but useful. If you need a more full featured generator, check out Express Restify Mongoose.
npm install nerm
var Nerm = require('nerm')
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
location: String
var User = mongoose.model('User', Schema)
Nerm.route(app, User)
GET /api/v0/users
POST /api/v0/users
GET /api/v0/users/ffffffffffffb00000000001
PUT /api/v0/users/ffffffffffffb00000000001
DELETE /api/v0/users/ffffffffffffb00000000001
Queries in GET requests are made by passing a mongo query as a JSON string. To make a Regexp query, use the $like operator.
var q = JSON.stringify({location: 'New York', $like: {name: 'john'}})
request.get('/api/v0/users?q=' + q)
// Translates to {location: 'New York', name: /john/i}
GET requests can also be given sort, select, and populate options.
// Will return objects without location info and sorted by name in descending order
Middleware can be provided in order to restrict access to routes
//This will restrict access to a individual user unless that user makes the request, User, {
middleware: function(req, res, next) {
if ( && !== req.user._id)
Schemas can be decorated with a private option.
var Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
location: {type: String, nerm: {private: true}}
var User = mongoose.model('User', Schema)
Nerm.route(app, User, {
privateAccess: function(req) { return req.user.admin }
// This will not allow nonadmins to filter or modify location,
// and will not return location fields in the responses.
Schemas can be decorated with a readOnly option.
var Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
location: {type: String, nerm: {readOnly: true}}
var User = mongoose.model('User', Schema)
Nerm.route(app, User, {
writeAccess: function(req) { return req.user.admin }
// This will allow location to be filtered, but not modified by nonadmins
Sometimes a resource needs to be further restricted. To do that pass a scope function or literal. The function can be syncronous or asyncronous.
Nerm.route(app, User, {
scope: {location: 'New York'}
Nerm.route(app, User, {
scope: function(req) { return {location: req.user.location }}
Nerm.route(app, User, {
scope: function(req, cb) { cb({location: req.user.location})}
// Callers will only be able to retrieve other users in their location.
Default options can be provided by calling Nerm.defaults, these will apply to all routes not given their own options
privateAccess: function() { return false; }
Nerm.route(app, User) //No callers will have access to private fields now