Using Argo Workflows for live migration from CNCF Cluster AutoScaler to CNCF Karpenter
Slides: Migrate-to-Karpenter-Argo-Workflows.pdf
Watch the video on youtube:
- terraform
- kubectl
Terminal: Terraform
cd terraform/
terraform init
terraform apply
Review the output and run
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/argocon-1"
aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name argocon-1
kubectl get pods -A
Terminal: Any new terminal run this command to setup kubectl
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/argocon-1"
Terminal: Port forward argocd
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/argocon-1"
echo "ArgoCD Username: admin"
echo "ArgoCD Password: $(kubectl get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd --template="{{index .data.password | base64decode}}")"
echo "ArgoCD URL: http://localhost:8080"
kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argo-cd-argocd-server 8080:80
Terminal: Port forward argo-workflows New shell
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/argocon-1"
echo "http://localhost:8081"
kubectl port-forward -n argo-workflows svc/argo-workflows-server 8081:2746
Terminal: List Node Group nodes New shell
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/argocon-1"
eks-node-viewer --kubeconfig /tmp/argocon-1 -node-selector -disable-pricing
Terminal: List Karpenter nodes New shell
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/argocon-1"
eks-node-viewer -kubeconfig /tmp/argocon-1 -node-selector -disable-pricing
cd terraform
- Take as input the nodegroup name
- Check if nodepool is present with nodegroup name if it is then stop
- Generate karpenter nodeclass and nodepool, otherwise skip
- Apply karpenter resources via apply or gitops (ie. ArgoCD)
- Scale down nodegroup
- Take as input the nodegroup name
- Check if there is a karpenter nodepool with nodegroup name, otherwise stop
- Scale up nodgroup
- Remove nodepool with nodegroup name to cordon, drain, and delete all pods
- Remove nodeclass with nodegroup name
To get all the nodes created by a node group
watch kubectl get nodes -l
To get all the nodes created by a node group and used by team-1
watch kubectl get nodes -l,team=team-1
To get all the nodes created by a node group
watch kubectl get nodes -l
To get all the nodes created by a node group and used by team-1
watch kubectl get nodes -l,team=team-1
Smoke test for argo-workflows:
argo submit -n argo-workflows --serviceaccount argo-workflow
argo list -n argo-workflows
argo logs @latest -n argo-workflows
- save karpenters in gitops repo for argocd to sync
- save the original value for min,desire,max in nodegorup tags instead of karpenter
- multicluster support (handle multiple kubeconfigs)
- rename appset cluster-addons to bootstrap