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Gitoyen website

The gitoyen website is build on pelican, this repo contains the source code and content needed to generate the static website.

Getting started

Pelican is based on python in order to make the site works you will need at least python and pip installed. Once this has been done run the following commands into this repository folder:


If you want to keep things isolated on your machine you will have to install virtualenv, this step is not mandatory but is recommended. On debian just type: apt-get install python-virtualenv

Create a virtualenv in the root of the repository: virtualenv ./venv

Source the virtualenv in order to isolate your current session: source venv/bin/activate, you can disable it later by typing deactivate in the same shell session.

Install and run

  • pip install -e . will install the dependencies needed by pelican
  • gitoyen serve will serve the website in development mode (i.e: livereload, local port)

Repository organisation

The website is build on multiple sources:

  • this is the command line helper file, it provides a list of usefull command for development. This script is installed when running pip install -e .. It is based on Click
  • is a python file for the configuration of the pelican engine. It contains for example the path of the different directories which will be used to build the website.
  • some jinja2 filters which will add features for generating the website.
  • content/ contains the site content in Markdown files, it is separated in two subdirs: pages, blog the first subdir contains the pages of the site, the second contains a list of blog articles.
  • templates/ some jinja templates for administration, it is used by file.
  • theme/ jinja templates and static files for generating the website.
  • plugins/ pelican plugins, currently there is only one installed to generate tables of content.
  • contains instructions on how to install the gitoyen cli and the dependencies for running the dev environment.

