Modulartetris is a C library of a flexible and modular tetris game. All the logic (board, blocks, collision, game over) is contained inside this library, so you only have to worry about the input control and drawing logic of your platform.
Because of swig support, you can also bind this library to many programming languages.
To run in the browser, the library is compiled from C to asm.js format using emscripten.
The visual game was stolen based on javascript-tetris. Check the final result.
Bored of the same and old tetrominoes? This library gives a way to customize the blocks provided by an external file.
For example, including this file:
# All the blocks should be a square matrix 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
You will have this game:
After connecting the library with your programming language, you can call the following functions:
// You can pass a file or a string with your custom blocks
struct Board *board = create_board_file(char *file_name, int width, int height);
struct Board *board = create_board_string(char *blocks_string, int width, int height);
// Move down the current block a single unit
//Moves the current block to the right or the left
// Push the current block to the bottom
//Current block rotation
// Pseudocode to draw on the screen
for (height in board.height)
for(width in board.width)
color = board.board_values[i][j]
draw_board(height, width, color)
make run_tests ./run_tests
Game graphics and input from terminal-tetris. Only changed the game logic.
make ncurses_games # default_blocks is the file containing the default tetrominoes, 13 is the width and 20 is the height ./ncurses_game default_blocks 13 20
make android_swig Download NDK r10e to use the Gradle Experimental Plugin Import android folder and include the NDK into Android Studio Run app
# Had problems installing pygame with pip from pyenv. Had to use system python sudo pip install hg+ make python_swig /usr/bin/python3 python/
# Only javascript binding included make node_swig pushd node; node-gyp rebuild; popd; node node/tetris_game.js
First of all, you have to install emscripten
# Put emcc in your path source <emsdk>/ make javascript_asmjs # Open the game in your preferred browser xdg-open javascript/index.html