A python library to send application metrics using UDP.
pip install measures
- count
from measures import Measure
measure = Measure('myclient', ('localhost', 1984))
measure.count('mymetric', dimensions={'name': 'john'})
- time (measure time spent on a given block)
import time
from measures import Measure
measure = Measure('myclient', ('localhost', 1984))
with measure.time('mymetric'):
# do some slow operation:
import time
from measures import Measure
measure = Measure('myclient', ('localhost', 1984))
with measure.time('mymetric') as dimensions:
# do some slow operation:
# add any relevant information, if necessary:
dimensions['relevant_info'] = 'pertinent_info'
- send
from measures import Measure
measure = Measure('myclient', ('localhost', 1984))
dimensions = {
'time': 10.1,
'relevant_info': pertinent_info
measure.send('mymetric', dimensions)
- multiple destinations
Metrics can be sent to more than one backend
from measures import Measure
measure = Measure('myclient', [('backend.host.1', 1984), ('backend.host.2', 1984)]
- Set up your environment
git clone https://github.com/globocom/measures.git
cd measures
mkvirtualenv measures
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
- Run the tests
make tests
- Write tests for your new feature or bug fix
- Write needed code changes
- Iterate, have fun :)
- Make a pull request with your changes
- File an issue at https://github.com/globocom/measures or contact us at [email protected]