In the src/ folder, you may find two versions of my Minesweeper clones.
Fortyniner is a truely feature-wise clone of Minesweeper. It is more complex and it offers more scalability compared to the other project.
It was developed prior to the other project and it is superior!
Minesweeper was developed after Fortyniner to comply with evaluation form completely (like developing the whole game in a single .java file).
It is more barebones but still has the robust random mine placer algorithm and has its own taste -> instead of mines, it offers you, a civilan, to survive a fallen land of yours thanks to Jitler. Your objective is to discover the safe zones.
This package has my own methods I developed throughout my patika+ programme to date.
They all are written for the sake of solving problems or DRY. The method I love most is the ask() method found in the Input class.
ask() method allows one to
- ask a question
- provide options
- and have a return value in the type of your provided option in a very convenient way!