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This repo hosts hands-on tutorials that guide you through working examples of GX data validation in an Airflow pipeline.

If you are new to GX, these tutorials will introduce you to GX concepts and guide you through creating GX data validation workflows that can be triggered and run using Airflow.

If you are an experienced GX user, these tutorials will provide code examples of GX and Airflow integration that can be used as a source of best practices and techniques that can enhance your current data validation pipeline implementations.

README table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Quickstart
  3. Cookbooks
  4. Tutorial environment
  5. Tutorial data
  6. Additional resources


  • Docker: You use Docker compose to run the containerized tutorial environment. Docker Desktop is recommended.

  • Git: You use Git to clone this repository and access the contents locally. Download Git here.


  1. Clone this repo locally.

    git clone
  2. Change directory into the repo root directory.

    cd tutorial-gx-in-the-data-pipeline
  3. Start the tutorial environment using Docker compose.

    docker compose up --build --detach --wait


The first time that you start the Docker compose instance, the underlying Docker images need to be built. This process can take several minutes.

  1. Access the JupyterLab (to run tutorial cookbooks) and Airflow (to run data pipelines) applications using a web browser.

    • JupyterLab: http://localhost:8888/lab
      • No credentials are required.
      • Cookbooks can be opened from the JupyterLab File Browser.
    • Airflow: http://localhost:8080
      • User: admin
      • Password: gx
  2. Once you are finished running the tutorial environment, stop it using Docker compose.

    docker compose down --volumes


Tutorials are presented as "cookbooks" (JupyterLab notebooks) that can be run interactively and that provide written explanations of concepts alongside executable code.

Cookbooks will be progressively added to this repo; the table below lists the current and planned cookbook topics.


Start the tutorial environment with Docker compose before accessing the path to the running tutorial cookbook. The Path to running tutorial cookbook cell provides a localhost link to the running notebook that works when you are actively running the tutorial Docker compose instance.

If the tutorial environment is not running when you try to access the cookbook, you will receive a connection error.

No. Cookbook topic Cookbook status Path to running tutorial cookbook Path to static render of cookbook
1 Data validation during ingestion of data into database (happy path) Available Click to open and run Cookbook 1 View Cookbook 1 on GitHub
2 Data validation during ingestion of data into database (pipeline fail + then take action) Coming soon
3 Data validation of Postgres database tables * Coming soon
4 Data validation and automated handling in a medallion data pipeline * Coming soon

* Cookbook execution requires GX Cloud organization credentials. Sign up for a free GX Cloud account here.

Tutorial environment

Tutorials are hosted and executed within a containerized environment that is run using Docker compose. The Docker compose setup uses the following containerized services:

  • JupyterLab. The JupyterLab container hosts the tutorial cookbooks and provides a Python runtime environment for related tutorial scripts.

  • Airflow. Airflow is the orchestrator used to implement and run the tutorial data pipelines. The Airflow container uses Astronomer's Astro Runtime image.

  • Postgres. The containerized Postgres database hosts the sample data used by the tutorial cookbooks and pipelines.

Cookbooks that feature GX Cloud-based data validation workflows connect to your GX Cloud organization.

Tutorial data

The data used in the tutorials is based on the Global Electronics Retailers dataset, available on Kaggle at the time of repo creation.

This dataset is used under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Appropriate credit is given to Bhavik Jikadara. The dataset has been modified to suit the requirements of this project. For more information about this license, please visit the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Additional resources


A hands-on example of GX data validation in an Airflow pipeline.







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