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Simulating the dynamics of the spherically symmetric single particle Schrödinger-Newton equation


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Schrödinger-Newton Inhibitions of Dispersion

License: MIT

This repository is for showcasing only. You are free to use any of its contents, but it is currently not maintained and not open for contributions. This code was originally not intended for publication, is poorly documented, and may not run out of the box on your device (my apologies).

Simulation of the dynamics of the spherically symmetric single particle Schrödinger-Newton equation. The code uses a Crank-Nicolson scheme for the evolution of the time dependent nonlinear Schrödinger-Newton equation and is inspired by the PhD thesis by Salzman1. It has been used to retrieve the results published as part of my PhD research2.



  • GNU C compiler installed and gcc executable in PATH

Before running:

  • Edit the path in line 22 of to reflect your preferred output directory


The simulation is run using the script. The parameters for the simulation are set in the param.h header file. Options for running using the script provided are:

  • ./ s starts a new calculation
  • ./ c path time continues from given path and timestep
  • ./ safe s compile in safe mode with fewer optimization
  • ./ safe c path time same but continues calculation

For the evaluation of the results, the following scripts are provided in the python_scripts directory:

  • path n max_t save_every [plot_title w m dr dt] creates a movie of the probability density
  • path n max_t save_every [plot_title w m dr dt] creates a movie of the wave function phase
  • path n save_every times creates a plot of the probability density for given time steps
  • path outfile-prefix n save_every dr times writes the probability density to a file for a given time steps for further processing
  • path outfile-prefix n save_every dr times writes the phase to a file
  • path n max_t save_every w m dr dt outfile writes a file containing the maximum radius of the wave function for each time step
  • path n max_t save_every w m dr dt outfile writes a file containing the radius at which 90% of the probability density is contained
  • path n max_t save_every w m dr dt deviation prints the time at which a certain relative deviation in width of the probability distribution from the free evolution is reached

The parameters for these Python scripts are:

  • path: path to the directory containing the simulation results
  • n: number of grid points
  • max_t: maximum time step
  • save_every: save every nth time step (parameter from simulation run)
  • plot_title: title of the plot
  • w: width of the initial Gaussian wave packet
  • m: mass of particle
  • dr: spatial grid size
  • dt: temporal step size
  • times: time steps for which to plot, separated by spaces
  • outfile: file to write to
  • outfile-prefix: prefix for output file name (time step is appended)
  • deviation: relative deviation in width of probability distribution from free evolution


We solve the the time dependent Schrödinger-Newton equation

$$i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi(t,\vec x)= H[\Psi] \Psi(t,\vec x).$$

Due to the nonlinearity of the equation, the Hamilton operator $H$ has a functional dependence on $\Psi$ and is given by

$$H[\Psi]= -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\Delta +m \Phi[\Psi] = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\Delta -Gm^2\int\frac{\vert\Psi(t,\vec y)\vert^2}{\Vert\vec x-\vec y\Vert}\,d^3y$$

where $\Delta$ is the Laplace operator, $G$ is the gravitational constant, $m$ the mass of the particle and $\Psi(t,\vec x)$ the wave function. $\vert\cdot\vert$ denotes the complex modulus and $\Vert\cdot\Vert$ the Euclidean norm in $\mathbb{R}^3$.

We consider the spherically symmetric case, i.e. $\Psi(t,\vec x)=\Psi(t,r)$, in which case the potential $\Phi$ is given by

$$\Phi[\Psi](r) = -4 \pi G m \left( \frac{1}{r} \int_0^r \vert\Psi(t,r')\vert^2 r'^2 \, dr' + \int_r^\infty \vert\Psi(t,r')\vert^2 r' \, dr' \right).$$

We define a spatial and temporal grid size $\Delta r$ and $\Delta t$ and use the index notation $\Psi^n_j = \Psi(n \Delta t, j \Delta r)$. We can write the Schrödinger-Newton equation in a discretized way using Cayley's form

$$\exp \left(\frac{i \, \Delta t}{2 \hbar} H[\Psi]\right) \, \Psi^{n+1}_j = \exp \left(-\frac{i \, \Delta t}{2 \hbar} H[\Psi]\right) \, \Psi^{n}_j.$$

Linearizing this equation we can write it as

$$\Psi^{n+1}_j = (Q^{-1} - I) \Psi^{n}_j$$

with the matrix

$$Q = \frac{1}{2} \, \left(I + \frac{i \, \Delta t}{2 \hbar} \, H\right),$$

where $I$ is the identity matrix. We thus have to solve the linear system

$$Q \, \chi^n = \Psi^n$$

in order to obtain the wave function at the next time step:

$$\Psi^{n+1} = \chi^n - \Psi^n.$$

The radial component of the Laplacian in spherical coordinates is

$$\Delta_r = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2} + \frac{2}{r} \frac{\partial}{\partial r} & \quad \text{if } r > 0\\ 3 \frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2} & \quad \text{if } r = 0, \end{array}\right.$$

It takes the discretized form

$$\Delta \chi^n_j = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{(\Delta r)^2} \, \left( \frac{j-1}{j}\, \chi^n_{j-1} - 2 \chi^n_{j} + \frac{j+1}{j}\, \chi^n_{j+1} \right) & \quad \text{if } j > 0\\ \frac{1}{(\Delta r)^2} \, \left( -6 \chi^n_0 + 6 \chi^n_1 \right) & \quad \text{if } j = 0, \end{array}\right.$$

while the discretized form of the potential $\Phi$ is $\Phi^n_j = -4 \pi G m (\Delta r)^2 v^n_j$ with

$$v^n_j = \frac{1}{j} \sum_{i=0}^{j-1} \vert\Psi^n_i\vert^2 \, i^2 + \sum_{i=j}^{N-1} \vert\Psi^n_i\vert^2 \, i.$$

$Q$ then becomes a tridiagonal matrix

$$Q = \begin{pmatrix} b_0 & c_0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots \\\ a_1 & b_1 & c_1 & 0 & \cdots \\\ 0 & a_2 & b_2 & c_2 & \\\ \vdots & & & \ddots & \vdots \\\ 0 & \cdots & & a_{N-1} & b_{N-1} \end{pmatrix}.$$

Using the shorthand notations

$$\beta = -\frac{i \hbar}{8 m} \, \frac{\Delta t}{(\Delta r)^2},\qquad \gamma = \frac{i \pi G}{\hbar} \, m^2 \, \Delta t \, (\Delta r)^2,$$

the diagonal elements are given by

$$b_j = \beta \, \frac{j-1}{j} \quad (0 < j \leq N-1),$$

and the off-diagonal elements by

$$a_j = \frac{1}{2} - 2 \beta - \gamma\, v_j \quad (0 < j \leq N-1)$$


$$c_0 = 6 \beta \,, \qquad c_j = \beta \, \frac{j+1}{j} \quad (0 < j < N-1)$$

We use the tridiagonal matrix algorithm to solve the linear system.

Description of files

Routines for the simulation, written in C, and bash scripts for compiling and running the simulation are located in the code directory:

  • Bash script to compile and run the simulation
  • Bash script to only compile without running
  • param.h: Header file containing all parameters to be set
  • sne.c: Main program running Crank-Nicolson algorithm
  • wf.c: Definition of different wave function shapes
  • helpers.c: Various helper functions for handling of files and output

Python scripts for evaluation of the results are located in the python_scripts directory, with descriptions given above in the section "Usage". The file contains helper functions for the Python scripts.


MIT License


  1. Salzman, Peter Jay. 2005. Investigation of the Time Dependent Schrödinger-Newton Equation. PhD Thesis, Davis: University of California.

  2. Giulini, Domenico, and André Großardt. 2011. Gravitationally Induced Inhibitions of Dispersion According to the Schrödinger-Newton Equation. Classical and Quantum Gravity 28 (19): 195026. Preprint at arXiv:1105.1921.


Simulating the dynamics of the spherically symmetric single particle Schrödinger-Newton equation







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