Source code for dissertation titled 'Affective Intelligence in Built Environments'
The following repository is source code for the dissertation titled Affective Intelligence in Built Environments. The code is modular and function based which should enable easy maintenance and facilitate with further development. The github repository is organized into 4 folders that contain R scripts that accomplish the following:
- Preprocess Data
- Clean and Process Data
- Post Clean Processing
- Generate Cross Validation Data
- Analysis - Spatiotemporal
The ordering above indicates the expected order in which to run the scripts. For example, it is necessary to run the pre-processing script before processing with cleaning and processing the data.
Requests for raw or processed data can be referred to Dr. Brent Chamberlain of the ALIVE! Lab. Future possible work will involve porting this source code into Python to work better with arcGIS. This code is also designed to be developed further to work with automation scripts such as Power Shell or Bash.