Scaladin makes easier to use Vaadin Framework with Scala programming language. It's a wrapper library that provides a pure Scala API for Vaadin Framework.
Vaadin Forum is the place for discussion about Scaladin. You can use the existing Vaadin & Scala thread or create your own.
Scaladin 3.2 requires Vaadin 7.5 and Scala 2.11.
1. Add dependencies to Scaladin and Vaadin to your Scala project (using sbt here):
resolvers += "Scaladin Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.vaadin.addons" %% "scaladin" % "3.2-SNAPSHOT",
"com.vaadin" % "vaadin-server" % "7.5.10",
"com.vaadin" % "vaadin-client-compiled" % "7.5.10",
"com.vaadin" % "vaadin-themes" % "7.5.10"
2. Scaladin applications are deployed as servlets, during the development time you could use xsb-web-plugin.
3. Define a servlet and a Scaladin UI:
package com.example
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet
import vaadin.scala._
import vaadin.scala.server.ScaladinServlet
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = Array("/*"))
class Servlet extends ScaladinServlet(
ui = classOf[HelloWorldUI]
class HelloWorldUI extends UI(theme = ValoTheme.ThemeName) {
content = new VerticalLayout { layout =>
margin = true
spacing = true
addComponent(new Label {
value = "Hello World!"
styleNames += ValoTheme.LabelH1
addComponent(Button("Click Me", { e =>
layout.addComponent(Label("Thanks for clicking!"))
4. If you use xsbt-web-plugin, start a web server by saying sbt ~jetty:start
and your Scaladin application should be available at http://localhost:8080:
Scaladin is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.