This post is very much about technology integration. Its aim is to build a dashboard that allows the display of financial timeseries of multiple stocks simultaneously.
This repo is used and described in the following blog post:
To run, simply do the following:
- In the the backend folder create a file with name .env with the following contents:
- In the the front end folder create a file with name .env with the following contents:
Now run
docker-compose -p deployment -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d
Your app should be now start to build. Depending on your system it might take a while.
After a while it should be up and running.
The dashboard should available at http://localhost:8501 The swagger ui should be available at local: http://localhost:5000/api/ui/#
In the backend folder you will find a sub-folder called data, with cached Data from the d6tflow package.