Something needs removing!
This issue cannot yet be completed, or this PR is not yet ready to merge because of a dependency
This change hurts backwards compatibility
[Dependabot] Changes to third-party dependencies
Changes to quality control processes, CI, release processes
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
[Dependabot] Pull requests that update Github Actions dependencies
Extra attention is needed
Requires a large number of changes and testing, may take several PRs to complete
Medium size tasks that may require changing/implementing/fixing/removing several things
Optimizations to the code
This should be worked on before anything else
[Dependabot] Pull requests that updates Python dependencies
A question from a user (not an issue)
This change refactors some code
Skip fragment checks for this PR as it doesnt need one
Small or simple tasks that only require a small number of changes on a limited scope
Improvements or additions to tests
Waiting for the author of the PR or issue to reply
Working as intended, or not feasible