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Komodo Insight Explorer


Explorer uses dev branch komodod (as it already included all needed for bitcore insight: txindex, addressindex, timestampindex, spentindex and zmq support).

Installation is fully automated, just launch script from this repo. It will install needed dependencies, download and compile komodod source, install correct version of NodeJS and create KMD and all assets explorer folders and launch scripts.

Also, during installation it will used following node-js modules from this repo:

  • bitcore-node-komodo
  • bitcore-lib-komodo
  • bitcore-build-komodo
  • insight-api-komodo
  • bitcore-message-komodo
  • insight-ui-komodo

Some ideas in installation script taken from . Thx to @radix42 , @flamingice , @ca333, @satindergrewal and all authors and contributors for their hard work.

Key features

  • Import SSH key to GitHub account don't required for install node modules, it will use HTTPS instead of SSH connection to GitHub.
  • Errors with currency.js and address.js are already fixed .
  • Display of Notary Node names in "Mined by" section.
  • Fixed display of coinbase transactions on mobile devices.
  • Fixed block reward display for KMD (it's always 3 KMD).

How to install?

Installation script was tested on clean installation of Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (other OS, like Debian, not tested ... may be it will required some additional dependencies or something else, pull requests and fixes are welcome).

git clone explorer
cd explorer

If you are get some errors during last install or you break installation process manually - delete *-explorer, node-modules folders and * scripts before launching ./ script again.

After ./ finished his work you will end up with following directory and files structure:

node-modules # folder, containing common NodeJS modules
KMD-explorer # folder for KMD explorer
REVS-explorer # folder for REVS explorer
... # launch script for KMD explorer # launch script for REVS explorer

Corresponding daemons (komodod) for assets will be already started (see last step of ./

After install step is complete run to change block reward display for assets to 0.0001 and change assetname in explorer.

Ports Table

You can get this table on your system using

Coin RPC port ZMQ port Web port P2P port Magic (hex) Magic (dec)
KMD 8232 8332 3001 7770 0x8de4eef9 2380590841
REVS 8233 (8233) 8333 3002 10195 0x4141771a 1094809370
SUPERNET 8234 (8234) 8334 3003 11340 0xb9112456 -1190058922
DEX 8235 (8235) 8335 3004 11889 0x0ace51e0 181293536
PANGEA 8236 (8236) 8336 3005 14067 0x686a3517 1751790871
JUMBLR 8237 (8237) 8337 3006 15105 0x1e45b23a 507884090
BET 8238 (8238) 8338 3007 14249 0x07f56179 133521785
CRYPTO 8239 (8239) 8339 3008 8515 0xaaae7cb4 -1431405388
HODL 8240 (8240) 8340 3009 14430 0x00cc1675 13375093
MSHARK 8241 (8241) 8341 3010 8845 0x9ef4e9f0 -1628116496
BOTS 8242 (8242) 8342 3011 11963 0x042956ec 69818092
MGW 8243 (8243) 8343 3012 12385 0xa796157c -1483336324
COQUI 8244 (8244) 8344 3013 14275 0xdf23f344 -551292092
WLC 8245 (8245) 8345 3014 12166 0x00592ed5 5844693
KV 8246 (8246) 8346 3015 8298 0xc5f134f4 -974048012
CEAL 8247 (8247) 8347 3016 11115 0x905f8c09 -1872786423
MESH 8248 (8248) 8348 3017 9454 0xb6bf6b4d -1228969139
MNZ 8249 (8249) 8349 3018 14336 0xde6fd053 -563097517
AXO 8250 (8250) 8350 3019 12926 0x179d00ba 396165306
ETOMIC 8251 (8251) 8351 3020 10270 0xe8902a07 -393205241
BTCH 8252 (8252) 8352 3021 8799 0xff5e1cf4 -10609420
PIZZA 8253 (8253) 8353 3022 11607 0x3c52bead 1012055725
BEER 8254 (8254) 8354 3023 8922 0x6ebbec9f 1857809567
NINJA 8255 (8255) 8355 3024 8426 0xb26f8eb3 -1301311821
OOT 8256 (8256) 8356 3025 12466 0xad4b5ba7 -1387570265
BNTN 8257 (8257) 8357 3026 14357 0x8e321899 -1909319527
CHAIN 8258 (8258) 8358 3027 15586 0xe0a98e56 -525758890
PRLPAY 8259 (8259) 8359 3028 9678 0x61f88ac5 1643678405
DSEC 8260 (8260) 8360 3029 11556 0xc7b2a699 -944593255
GLXT 8261 (8261) 8361 3030 13108 0x1865ac2b 409316395
EQL 8262 (8262) 8362 3031 10305 0x58e490b8 1491374264
VRSC 8263 (8263) 8363 3032 27485 0xe2588aad -497513811
ZILLA 8264 (8264) 8364 3033 10040 0x204ddb91 541973393
RFOX 8265 (8265) 8365 3034 32268 0x4406ad4c 1141288268
SEC 8266 (8266) 8366 3035 11539 0x8f27938c -1893231732
CCL 8267 (8267) 8367 3036 20848 0x66ff315c 1728000348
PIRATE 8268 (8268) 8368 3037 45452 0x17b6e058 397860952
MGNX 8269 (8269) 8369 3038 20730 0xdf236aa6 -551327066
PGT 8270 (8270) 8370 3039 46704 0xc87e0d8c -931263092

ufw rules

sudo ufw allow 7770/tcp comment 'KMD p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10195/tcp comment 'REVS p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11340/tcp comment 'SUPERNET p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11889/tcp comment 'DEX p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14067/tcp comment 'PANGEA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 15105/tcp comment 'JUMBLR p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14249/tcp comment 'BET p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8515/tcp comment 'CRYPTO p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14430/tcp comment 'HODL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8845/tcp comment 'MSHARK p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11963/tcp comment 'BOTS p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12385/tcp comment 'MGW p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14275/tcp comment 'COQUI p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12166/tcp comment 'WLC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8298/tcp comment 'KV p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11115/tcp comment 'CEAL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 9454/tcp comment 'MESH p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14336/tcp comment 'MNZ p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12926/tcp comment 'AXO p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10270/tcp comment 'ETOMIC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8799/tcp comment 'BTCH p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11607/tcp comment 'PIZZA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8922/tcp comment 'BEER p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 8426/tcp comment 'NINJA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 12466/tcp comment 'OOT p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 14357/tcp comment 'BNTN p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 15586/tcp comment 'CHAIN p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 9678/tcp comment 'PRLPAY p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11556/tcp comment 'DSEC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 13108/tcp comment 'GLXT p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10305/tcp comment 'EQL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 27485/tcp comment 'VRSC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 10040/tcp comment 'ZILLA p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 32268/tcp comment 'RFOX p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 11539/tcp comment 'SEC p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 20848/tcp comment 'CCL p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 45452/tcp comment 'PIRATE p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 20730/tcp comment 'MGNX p2p port'
sudo ufw allow 46704/tcp comment 'PGT p2p port'
# sudo ufw allow from any to any port 3001:3039 proto tcp comment 'allow insight web ports'	

Nginx config examples

  • Simple (HTTP only):
	server {
	  listen 80;
	  root /home/user/insight;
	  access_log /home/user/insight-log/livenet-access.log;
	  error_log /home/user/insight-log/livenet-error.log;
	  location / {
	    proxy_pass http://localhost:3001;
	    proxy_http_version 1.1;
	    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
	    proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
	    proxy_set_header Host $host;
	    proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
	    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
	    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
  • HTTP + HTTPS + redirect HTTP->HTTPS + rate limiter + Let's Encrypt support

Run, your configs examples will be available in helper/nginx/sites-available .

Related resources

Feel free to contribute

Pull requests with logos, color schemes, fixes and any other contributions are welcome.


Note: you should build VRSC komodod (verusd) manually, also make sure that you run VRSC daemon with correct parameters.

Follow this: to check params.

VRSC will not work with original komodod from Komodo repo!


Install script for KMD and assets Insight explorer install






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