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Current box: ubuntu/xenial64 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)


  1. Install Vagrant

  2. Install Virtualbox (Also works with other providers.)

  3. git clone

  4. Create your own data/ folder in the same direcotry of vagrant, which will be synced to the /vagrant_data folder during vagrant up or vagrant reload.

  5. Change the username and email in .gitconfig.

  6. cd vagrant && vagrant up Start the VM.

  7. vagrant ssh Connect to the VM terminal and start working.

  8. vagrant halt Gracefully shutdown the VM.

  9. vagrant destroy Destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process.

  10. Port 80 on guest machine can be accessed at localhost:8080.

  11. More on Vagrant Doc.


  1. Basic Vim: with plugins AutoClose, vim-closetag, vim-easy-align, indentline, vim-coffee-script, vim-surround, supertab, nerdcommenter, matchtagalways;

  2. npm & Node.js & MongoDB: sudo service mongo start to start MongoDB service.

  3. Coffeescript

  4. Lua LuaJIT

  5. Golang

  6. GDB debugger

  7. CMake