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Implement DNS-based mirror bootstrap protocol
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This way `cabal` can bootstrap secure repos even if the primary Hackage
instance is currently unreachable, as long as there's at least one
reachable and working secure mirror available.

NB: This new code-path is only used for the initial bootstrap. Once the
repository cache has been bootstrapped, its `mirrors.json` meta-data is
used instead.

See also haskell/hackage-security#171
  • Loading branch information
hvr committed Oct 9, 2016
1 parent 3fb519a commit 176ff86
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Showing 3 changed files with 166 additions and 7 deletions.
26 changes: 19 additions & 7 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/GlobalFlags.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Control.Exception
import System.FilePath
( (</>) )
import Network.URI
( uriScheme, uriPath )
( URI, uriScheme, uriPath )
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as Sec
Expand All @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Cache as Sec
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Local as Sec.Local
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Remote as Sec.Remote
import qualified Distribution.Client.Security.HTTP as Sec.HTTP
import qualified Distribution.Client.Security.DNS as Sec.DNS

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Global flags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,27 +216,38 @@ initSecureRepo :: Verbosity
-> (SecureRepo -> IO a) -- ^ Callback
-> IO a
initSecureRepo verbosity httpLib RemoteRepo{..} cachePath = \callback -> do
withRepo $ \r -> do
requiresBootstrap <- Sec.requiresBootstrap r
requiresBootstrap <- withRepo [] Sec.requiresBootstrap

mirrors <- if requiresBootstrap
then do
info verbosity $ "Trying to locate mirrors via DNS for " ++
"initial bootstrap of secure " ++
"repository '" ++ show remoteRepoURI ++
"' ..."

Sec.DNS.queryBootstrapMirrors verbosity remoteRepoURI
else pure []

withRepo mirrors $ \r -> do
when requiresBootstrap $ Sec.uncheckClientErrors $
Sec.bootstrap r
(map Sec.KeyId remoteRepoRootKeys)
(Sec.KeyThreshold (fromIntegral remoteRepoKeyThreshold))
callback $ SecureRepo r
-- Initialize local or remote repo depending on the URI
withRepo :: (forall down. Sec.Repository down -> IO a) -> IO a
withRepo callback | uriScheme remoteRepoURI == "file:" = do
withRepo :: [URI] -> (forall down. Sec.Repository down -> IO a) -> IO a
withRepo _ callback | uriScheme remoteRepoURI == "file:" = do
dir <- Sec.makeAbsolute $ Sec.fromFilePath (uriPath remoteRepoURI)
Sec.Local.withRepository dir
withRepo callback =
withRepo mirrors callback =
Sec.Remote.withRepository httpLib
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146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Security/DNS.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
module Distribution.Client.Security.DNS
( queryBootstrapMirrors
) where

import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude

import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Control.Exception
import Network.URI (URI(..), URIAuth(..), parseURI)

import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
( emptyProgramDb, addKnownProgram
, configureAllKnownPrograms, lookupProgram )
import Distribution.Simple.Program
( simpleProgram
, programInvocation
, getProgramInvocationOutput )
import Distribution.Compat.Exception (displayException)

-- | Try to lookup RFC1464-encoded mirror urls for a Hackage
-- repository url by performing a DNS TXT lookup on the
-- @_mirrors.@-prefixed URL hostname.
-- Example: for @
-- perform a DNS TXT query for the hostname
-- which may look like e.g.
-- > 300 IN TXT
-- > "0.urlbase="
-- > "1.urlbase="
-- NB: hackage-security doesn't require DNS lookups being trustworthy,
-- as the trust is established via the cryptographically signed TUF
-- meta-data that is retrieved from the resolved Hackage repository.
-- Moreover, we already have to protect against a compromised
-- DNS entry, so an the additional
-- DNS entry in the same SOA doesn't
-- constitute a significant new attack vector anyway.
queryBootstrapMirrors :: Verbosity -> URI -> IO [URI]
queryBootstrapMirrors verbosity repoUri
| Just auth <- uriAuthority repoUri = do
progdb <- configureAllKnownPrograms verbosity $
addKnownProgram nslookupProg emptyProgramDb

case lookupProgram nslookupProg progdb of
Nothing -> do
warn verbosity "'nslookup' tool missing - can't locate mirrors"
return []

Just nslookup -> do
let mirrorsDnsName = "_mirrors." ++ uriRegName auth

mirrors' <- try $ do
out <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity $
programInvocation nslookup ["-query=TXT", mirrorsDnsName]
evaluate (force $ extractMirrors mirrorsDnsName out)

mirrors <- case mirrors' of
Left e -> do
warn verbosity ("Caught exception during _mirrors lookup:"++
displayException (e :: SomeException))
return []
Right v -> return v

if null mirrors
then warn verbosity ("No mirrors found for " ++ show repoUri)
else do info verbosity ("located " ++ show (length mirrors) ++
" mirrors for " ++ show repoUri ++ " :")
forM_ mirrors $ \url -> info verbosity ("- " ++ show url)

return mirrors

| otherwise = return []
nslookupProg = simpleProgram "nslookup"

-- | Extract list of mirrors from @nslookup -query=TXT@ output.
extractMirrors :: String -> String -> [URI]
extractMirrors hostname s0 = mapMaybe (parseURI . snd) . sort $ vals
vals = [ (kn,v) | (h,ents) <- fromMaybe [] $ parseNsLookupTxt s0
, h == hostname
, e <- ents
, Just (k,v) <- [splitRfc1464 e]
, Just kn <- [isUrlBase k]

isUrlBase :: String -> Maybe Int
isUrlBase s
| isSuffixOf ".urlbase" s, not (null ns), all isDigit ns = readMaybe ns
| otherwise = Nothing
ns = take (length s - 8) s

-- | Parse output of @nslookup -query=TXT $HOSTNAME@ tolerantly
parseNsLookupTxt :: String -> Maybe [(String,[String])]
parseNsLookupTxt = go0 [] []
-- approximate grammar:
-- <entries> := { <entry> }
-- (<entry> starts at begin of line, but may span multiple lines)
-- <entry> := ^ <hostname> TAB "text =" { <qstring> }
-- <qstring> := string enclosed by '"'s ('\' and '"' are \-escaped)

-- scan for ^ <word> <TAB> "text ="
go0 [] _ [] = Nothing
go0 res _ [] = Just (reverse res)
go0 res _ ('\n':xs) = go0 res [] xs
go0 res lw ('\t':'t':'e':'x':'t':' ':'=':xs) = go1 res (reverse lw) [] (dropWhile isSpace xs)
go0 res lw (x:xs) = go0 res (x:lw) xs

-- collect at least one <qstring>
go1 res lw qs ('"':xs) = case qstr "" xs of
Just (s, xs') -> go1 res lw (s:qs) (dropWhile isSpace xs')
Nothing -> Nothing -- bad quoting
go1 _ _ [] _ = Nothing -- missing qstring
go1 res lw qs xs = go0 ((lw,reverse qs):res) [] xs

qstr _ ('\n':_) = Nothing -- We don't support unquoted LFs
qstr acc ('\\':'\\':cs) = qstr ('\\':acc) cs
qstr acc ('\\':'"':cs) = qstr ('"':acc) cs
qstr acc ('"':cs) = Just (reverse acc, cs)
qstr acc (c:cs) = qstr (c:acc) cs
qstr _ [] = Nothing

-- | Split a TXT string into key and value according to RFC1464.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if parsing fails.
splitRfc1464 :: String -> Maybe (String,String)
splitRfc1464 = go ""
go _ [] = Nothing
go acc ('`':c:cs) = go (c:acc) cs
go acc ('=':cs) = go2 (reverse acc) "" cs
go acc (c:cs)
| isSpace c = go acc cs
| otherwise = go (c:acc) cs

go2 k acc [] = Just (k,reverse acc)
go2 _ _ ['`'] = Nothing
go2 k acc ('`':c:cs) = go2 k (c:acc) cs
go2 k acc (c:cs) = go2 k (c:acc) cs
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ executable cabal
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