Releases: iSach/UltraCosmetics
2.5 release!
2.5 pre-release!
Hello everyone!
Finally I am updating the plugin. I apologise for so long without any update.
I've worked hard the past days on fixing the 1.13 and 1.14 support to make it fully compatible with those versions.
Right now, everything but morphs (not tested yet) should be working.
I need your help for testing before releasing on Spigot!
Please test it as much as you can and post all issues on Github:
If you want a slightly lighter jar, other jars are available for single-version servers.
2.4.10 pre-release
UltraCosmetics 2.4.10 is going to be released soon with many many minor fixes and changes to prepare for 2.5.0 which will bring bigger changes (like a much more organized and cleaner config, more advanced Treasure Chests, etc).
First we need your help to test it.
Please report the issues you experience on
- Spider and Slime mounts don't work on 1.12
- Conflicts with Per-World Inventories and Citizens 2
- Cosmetics now bypass WorldGuard protection.
- Fixed an issue in 2.5.0-beta-1 where the new morphs weren't in the config (fixes #355).
- Adjusted llama, sheep, and witch morphs.
- Added a new update checker.
- Added PlaceholderAPI support (view placeholders on the wiki).
- Added a new economy system.
- Added PlayerPoints support (resolves #337).
Edit: Also just fixed a small issue with the economy system.
- New cosmetic system progress.
- Some new cosmetics for certain categories.
- Version-specific cosmetics support.
- Treasure Chests now have command rewards.
/uc toggle
and/uc clear
commands can now clear/toggle suit pieces./uc toggle suit <suit type:suit piece> [player]
/uc clear <player> suit:<suit piece>
Report issues on the GitHub issue tracker. Thanks.
- Updated 1.12 NMS (fixes spider and slime mounts)
- Fixed an invalid wool drop from the sheep pet
- Fixed #259 (Issue with Pumpling and SilkSpawners)
- Fixed #312 (Issue where pet item drops could be collected by hoppers)
- Fixed #309 (Issue where /uc menu renamepet wouldn't work)
- Fixed an issue with the trampoline gadget where the area where you equip or last use it would launch you up (ground had to be wool)
- Disabled EtherealPearl for 1.12 until the bug can be fixed.
- Updated the /uc menu command: menus that are not enabled or don't have requirements met (e.g. a cosmetic category is disabled or a required plugin not installed) won't open or show up as available menus to use.
- Fixed an issue where the pet menu wouldn't open if the option to rename pets was enabled, the permission required option was enabled, and the user didn't have permission to rename pets.
- Pet names will now be shown in spawn and despawn messages (e.g. if you spawn a cow named Bob, it'll say "You spawned cow (Bob)").
- Fixed an issue with the melon thrower where the initial melon would get stuck if you spawned another before it exploded (e.g. by throwing the next one up in the air). This will also add a new message to your messages file titled "Wait-For-Finish" under MelonThrower.
- Fixed an issue where a pet with a colored name would change the color of the last parenthesis in the pet menu.
Thanks again a lot to @RadBuilder who updates while I'm in exams :D
Report bugs on the GitHub issue tracker!