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DejaVu in iTrace Core

Joshua Behler edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 2 revisions


DejaVu is a tool implemented into iTrace Core that allows the recording and replaying of mouse, keyboard, and gaze data. The playback can be tweaked so that the playback is slowed down linearly or proportionally. Replaying data can allow slower machines to keep up with the data stream and allow IDEs to give more accurate context data. The details on how to use Core are detailed below.

Basic DejaVu Usage

  1. Open iTrace Core.
  2. In the Session Setup tab, enter your session details then click the Apply button.
  3. Toggle to the iTrace Tracking tab and choose your tracker from the Trackers: dropdown.
  4. To calibrate your selected tracker click on the Calibrate button.
  5. Toggle the Record with DejaVu checkbox at the bottom of the iTrace Core window to enable the DejaVu feature.
  6. Launch the IDE/Plugin you will be recording with, and connect it to Core. Make note of the starting position of the plugin. This is very important for the actual replaying.
  7. Once you are done tracking, in the iTrace Core window, click the Stop Tracking button.
  8. Go to the directory you selected when in the Session Setup tab (defaults to Desktop). You should see your core file, plugin file, and "out.csv". Rename the plugin file to something new, so it doesn't get overwritten later.
  9. Toggle to the DejaVu Replay tab.
  10. You can edit the DejaVu replay Pause Type and/or Options if necessary.
  11. Be sure that the window on which you conducted your original study is open and in the original starting position before proceeding, then click the Replay button in the DejaVu Replay tab.
  12. In the file dialog box that pops up, navigate to the directory on your local machine that you selected in your Session Setup and choose the out.csv file which contains the DejaVu data from your study, and click the Open button.
  13. At this point, you should see a replay of your study being conducted on the window that you conducted your original study on. Do not interact with your computer until it is finished, as this can interfere with mouse and keyboard inputs.
  14. When the replay is finished, there will be a new plugin file generated in the same output folder. Make sure to rename it so you don't lose track of which is the original and which is the replay.