My neovim configuration. (Not finished)
Make sure you delete or move your old neovim configuration to somewhere safe before installing this one.
git clone ~/.config/nvim
git clone $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim
If you only want to use my custom module, copy the lua/modules
folder to your neovim configuration folder.
local core = require("modules.core")
-- Debugger module
local debugger = core.load_module("debugger")
-- String module
local string = core.load_module("string")
-- Table module
local table = core.load_module("table")
-- Utils module (Empty as of now)
local utils = core.load_module("utils")
local a = {
debugger.log(a) -- Beautifully prints the array/dictionary
local splitted = string.split("Hello World", " ") -- Returns a table { "Hello", "World" }
local joined = splitted:concat(".") -- Returns a string "Hello.World"
local popped = splitted:pop() -- Returns popped table { "Hello" }
local random = string.randomstr(10) -- Returns a random string with length of 10
local a = {
local popped = table.pop(a) -- Returns popped table { "Hello", "World" }
local joined = popped:concat(" ") -- Returns a string "Hello World"
-- More examples
local poop = table.concat(a, " ") -- Returns a string "Hello World Hi"
local splitted = poop:split(" ") -- Returns a table { "Hello", "World", "Hi" }
local roblox = splitted:pop() -- Returns popped table { "Hello", "World" }
local robux = roblox:concat(" ") -- Returns a string "Hello World"
-- Equivalent to
local minecraft = table.concat(a, " "):split(" "):pop():concat(" ") -- Returns a string "Hello World"
local a = {
hello = "Hello",
hi = "World"
local is_dictionary = table.is_dictionary(a) -- Returns true
local count = table.count_keys(a) -- Returns 2
local b = {
name = "John",
age = 20
table.merge(a, b)
) -- Returns { hello = "Hello", hi = "World", name = "John", age = 20 }
-- Idk why you would do this but you can merge a dictionary with a table
-- I also dk why this is a thing but it is
-- No idea why it works too
local c = {
local poop = table.pop(c) -- Returns popped table { "Lol" }
poop:merge(b) -- Never really tested this but it SHOULD work
) -- Returns { 1 = "Lol", name = "John", age = 20 }