To install:
- Install from the WordPress plugin repository, or copy to your wp-content/plugins folder.
- Enable through the plugins section within WordPress.
- Paste your Tealium code into 'Tealium Settings' under Settings in WordPress and save.
- That's it!
Optional steps:
- utag.sync.js support.
- The position of the Tealium tag can be selected.
- If there are items you wish to exclude from your data object, add the keys as a comma separated list.
- TiQ cache busting for content editors.
- Enable DNS prefetching.
There are a couple of actions that can be used to manipulate the Tealium tag or data object in your themes functions.php file or within your own plugin.
For example:
* Dynamically add data to the Tealium data object
function addToDataObject() {
global $utagdata;
// Add the current PHP version to the data layer
$utagdata['php_version'] = phpversion();
// Add a timestamp to the data layer
$utagdata['timestamp'] = time();
add_action( 'tealium_addToDataObject', 'addToDataObject' );
* Switch Tealium environment based on website URL
function switchEnvironment() {
global $tealiumtag;
if ( get_site_url() == '' ) {
$tealiumtag = str_replace( '/prod/', '/dev/', $tealiumtag );
add_action( 'tealium_tagCode', 'switchEnvironment' );