Scrape some base info out of RabbitMQ and shove it into Graphite.
Usage: ./rabbitmq.watcher.rb [options]
-P, --prefix [STATSD_PREFIX] metric prefix (default:
-i, --interval [SEC] reporting interval (default: 10)
-h, --host [HOST] carbon host (default:
-p, --port [PORT] carbon port (default: 2003)
-u, --rmquser [RABBITMQ_USER] rabbitmq user (default: guest)
-s, --rmqpass [RABBITMQ_PASS] rabbitmq pass (default: guest)
-r, --rmqhost [RABBITMQ_HOST] rabbitmq host (default:
-b, --rmqport [RABBITMQ_PORT] rabbitmq port (default: 15672)
-q, --[no-]queues report queue metrics (default: false)
-c, --config [CONFIG_FILE] optional configuration file (in JSON format)
I like to put my ec2 instance id in the prefix, for example:
rabbitmq.watcher.rb -P $(ec2metadata --instance-id)
If you don't want to expose your RabbitMQ credentials in the command line, you can plunk them into a configuration file where the keys correspond to the command-line flags, like so:
"prefix": "rabbitmq.testenv",
"rmquser": "myuser",
"rmqpass": "mypassword"