Check out the wiki
NOTE: Flow is under active development so in the meantime there will be alot of updated involving breaking changes
For a more minimal kit please refer to: Leaf Origin
Flow is a comprehensive web application development starter kit designed to accelerate the process of building modern and feature-rich web applications. With a focus on simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency, Flow provides developers with a robust set of tools and features to kickstart their projects. From secure authentication and seamless API integration to beautifully designed UI/UX components and powerful admin tools.
Flow's purpose is empor developers to create high-quality web applications with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, Flow streamlines the development process, allowing you to focus on creating exceptional user experiences and delivering value to your users.
- Access and Authentication
- Basic Auth: login, register, etc
- Granular Permission
- Announcements and Notification
- Blogging & CMS
- API & developer tools (Experimental)
- API Keys Issue
- API requests monitor
- Profile management
- Mailing
composer create-project ibnsultan/flow:dev-main <PROJECT_NAME>
composer install
Setup your environment configurations and run the following command to install migrations and seeders
php leaf db:migrate
php leaf db:seed
The default login credentials are:
- Email:
[email protected]
- Password:
Without the following projects flow would never have been elegant as it is
- Leaf Framework -
- AblePro Dashboard -
- Bootstrap 5 -
- Icons
- Font Awesome
- Phosphor
- Feather Icon